EE481, 481L
Senior Design Teams
Assignment of the projects was based on your
1st. and 2nd. choice of your ranking
Project 1: Expressive
Stereoscopic Vision Tracker
Scott Cason, Furqan Chiragh, Nathan Goulding, Jason
Hamlet, Arthur Hassall
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thomas
Customer: Baker Adaptive Optics
Project 2:Light-Gas Gun
Cole Brinkley, Alejandro Gauna, John
Montoya, Micah Yates, Mehdi Zisah
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rison
Customer: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Project 3: Automatic
Trigger for High Speed Digital Video Systems
Emanuel Allen, Ian Hamblin, Nicholas O'Connor,
Nicholas Targhetta, Phil Velasquez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Xiao
Customer: New Tech
Project 4:A Tunable
Band-Pass Filter for LMA
Adam Church, Jacob Dostal, Atta Gueye, Cheyenne
Faculty Advisor: Dr. El-Osery
Customer: Department of Electrical
Engineering, New Mexico Tech
Project 5: Interface
Development for Real-Time Control of an Aerially...
Max Charbornneau, Joe Craig, Ivan Mecimore, Maxwell
Sandford, Jared Simon
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bond
Customer: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Project 6: Surface
Water/Ground Water Monitoring ...
Stian Aafloy, Nathaniel Begay, Alex Franklin, Hector Malagon,
Chance Rogers
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Wedeward
Customer: Department of Earth and
Environmental Science, New Mexico Tech