EE 101
Pre-Lab Exercise 8
Do Problem P12.36 from your textbook.
(end of pre-lab)
EE 101
Lab Exercise 8: K-MAP Circuit Reduction and Introduction to Stimulus
Generator and Logic Analyzer
The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the usefulness of K-MAPs for combinational
logic circuit reduction and to introduce the student to the logic analyzer laboratory
1. Construct a truth table based on the Boolean equation given in Problem P12.36(a)
(from the pre-lab).
2. Draw and fully label a schematic for the Boolean equation given in Problem
P12.36(a). Before you begin drawing, note that the term BC appears several
times in the equation. Use this knowledge to eliminate several gates from a schematic
drawn without considering the BC combination. Include gate identifiers, pin numbers, and
chip designators ("U" numbers) on your schematic. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUILD THIS
3. Build the minimized circuit you designed after performing the K-MAP
simplification (from part c of the pre-lab). For every high and low combination of the
inputs, test your circuit by using a logic probe. Construct a truth table showing your
results. This truth table should agree with the truth table you derived from the
unsimplified circuit (from part 1). If they do not agree, find out where the problem is
before proceeding. When finished, turn the protoboard off, but DO NOT DISASSEMBLE YOUR
4. You will now hook the logic analyzer to your circuit. Refer to the model setup
in the lab when needed.
a. Hook up the counter chip -- Vcc, ground, the clock, and outputs --
as shown in class.
b. When working with digital circuits, it is extremely important to establish a common
ground between all parts of the circuit and any instruments acting on the circuit.
Otherwise, the circuit simply may not work. On the logic analyzer pod, find a
ground lead. Plug it into a pin header that is placed so it is in contact with the ground
on your AND gate chip and then run a wire to the ground pin on the counter. A common
ground has now been established between the stimulus (the counter), logic analyzer, and
c. You will now hook the logic analyzer up to the inputs and output of your
circuit. It is an unfortunate, but somewhat unavoidable occurrence that the logic analyzer
lines tend to break. Whenever this happens, we try to put a tag on the logic analyzer pod
indicating which lines do not presently work. Look at the logic analyzer pod for any such
note. The following instructions assume your pod is fully functional. If you have a pod
where any of the first three lines are not working, do not use these lines, but simply use
the next available ones.
Place another pin header alongside the one where A, B, and C tie into your circuit so
that you will have another set of nodes that tie to those inputs.
From the logic analyzer pod, attach line 1 to signal A on the pin header.
Likewise, attach lines 2 and 3 to signals B and C, respectively. Having the three input
stimuli attached to the logic analyzer will enable you to monitor your A, B, and C inputs.
Next, attach line 4 from the logic analyzer pod to a pin header that comes into contact
with the output ("F") of your circuit.
d. Call one of the lab TAs over to look over your wiring.
5. Login to a PC (Windows NT network) and load the logic analyzer software (PA485
on the taskbar, under the Programs menu).
a. Double click on the Field Editor icon. A channel number versus signal name
chart appears. Wherever there is an asterisk, this means that that particular channel
number is mapped to that signal name. For instance, when you first invoked the field
editor, "control" was mapped to channels 41 through 48, "databus" was
mapped to channels 25 through 40, and "addrbus" was mapped to channels 1 through
24. At this time, click the mouse on each asterisk to make them disappear (and thus
destroy the default channel to signal name mapping scheme).
b. Go back to the vertical column where the default signal names are (control,
databus, and addrbus). Go to the first field ("control") and activate it with
the mouse. Press the delete key to remove "control" and then type an
"A" in its place. Similarly, do this to the next three fields and type
"B", "C", and "F" in each one, respectively.
c. Across from where you entered the "A" signal name, click the mouse
under channel 1 so an asterisk appears. In the same way, across from signal B, click under
channel 2. For signal C map channel 3, and for the output F, map channel 4.
d. Under the Edit menu, select clock setup. Change the clock mode (sampling
rate) to 100 KHz.
e. Click on the Internal Trigger Patterns icon to activate a trigger point. You
should see a column for every signal you have defined. Under all your inputs, replace the
"x" with a "0" in the pattrn01 row. Leave the output column, F, as an
"x". The logic analyzer is now configured to begin data collection when it
senses A, B, and C to be zeros.
f. Under the File menu, select Save and then Setup Conditions.
Save the setup conditions you just configured in a file with a .set extension (for
example, lab8.set or 3bit.set).
6. Wire up the counter chip to provide the A, B, and C inputs to your circuit,
as shown in class.
7. Turn the protoboard on. Go back to the logic analyzer window and click the mouse
on the Go button. If everything is working, the logic analyzer should trigger (you
should hear a beep when the logic analyzer triggers). If your logic analyzer does not
trigger, call for assistance.
If the logic analyzer is working properly, a window with four waveforms for the input
and output signals should appear. Remember, you may have to maximize the waveform display
from icon form.
If a total of four waveforms do not appear in the waveform editor, be
sure to ask for assistance!!
Once the waveforms are visible (and each signal is toggling properly -- no flat
liners!), verify the output for each state (from 0002 to 1112) with
the truth table from part 1.
Zoom in or out so that you can read the waveforms easily. Place cursors in the middle
of the 0002 state (for the red line cursor, use the left mouse button) and the
1112 state (for the blue line cursor, use the right mouse button). Zoom out so
that the distance between the red and blue cursors takes up only an eighth or so of the
window. Print out your waveform data (be sure to select Between Red and Blue Markers
so that only the data between the two cursors will print out) and include this in your lab
1. If you would have had to build the circuit prior to K-MAP reduction, how many
two-input AND gates, two-input OR gates, and NOT gates would you have used? How many total
chips would your circuit have needed?