EE 101 Labs - Fall 2000

Lab # Description Dates
Lab 1 Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Laws January 25
Lab 1 Resistive Circuits September 7, 11
Lab 2 Introduction to P-SPICE and MATLAB September 14, 18
Lab 3 PSPICE Evaluation of an RC network September 21, 25
Lab 4 Introduction to the Oscilloscope and Function Generator Sept. 28, Oct. 2
Lab 5 The 555 Timer October 5, 9
Lab 6 Multi-Range 555 Frequency Source October 12, 16
Lab 7 Introduction to Logic Gates and K-MAP Reduction October 19, 23
Lab 8 Printed Circuit Board Artwork Generation  October 26, 30
Lab 9 Introduction to Programmable Logic - Altera EPM7032  November 2, 6
Lab 10 4-Bit Counter/Decoder/Display  November 9, 13
Finish up Lab 10, if necessary  November 16, 20
Lab 11 The 741 Operational Amplifier  November 27, 30
Lab 12 Construction of 555 Timer Circuit  By Appointment

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