EE 211 Section 1
Lecture Outline for Fall 1998
Wednesday 8/26
- Sections 1-1, 1-2.
- Introduction and Course Syllabus.
- Review of Scientific Notation and Engineering Prefix Notation.
- Definition of decibel.
Friday 8/28
- Section 1-3.
- Definitions of charge q, current i, voltage
v, and power p.
- Voltage is between two points in a circuit.
- Current is through a point in a circuit.
- Passive sign convention and power calculations.
- Section 2-1.
- Definition of circuit element.
- Our first circuit element
- The resistor - Ohm's law, resistance and conductance
Monday 8/31
- Section 2-1 (continued).
- Definition of linear and bilateral circuit elements.
- Our first circuit elements
- The resistor - Ohm's law, resistance and conductance
- Open and short circuit
- Switch
- Voltage source
- Current source
- Section 2-2 Connection Constraints
- Definition of circuit, node and loop
- Kirchhoff's Current Law
- Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
Wednesday 9/2
- Section 2-3 Combined Constraints
- Using KCL, KVL and element equations to find 2E equations with 2E
unkowns for a circuit with E circuit elements.
- Series and Parallel connections
- Ground reference node
Friday 9/4
- Section 2-4 Equivalent Circuits
- Definition of equivalent circuit.
- Resistors in series and parallel.
- Sources in series and parallel.
- Sources and resistors.
Wednesday 9/9
- Section 2-5 Voltage and current division
- Voltage division - calculation of voltages for resistors in series.
- Current division - calculation of currents for resistors in parallel
Friday 9/11
- Section 2-6 Circuit Reduction
- Using equivalent circuits to simplify complex circuits
- Combining resistors in series and parallel
- Using source transformations
Monday 9/14
- Review of Chapters 1 and 2 for Exam
Wednesday 9/16
Friday 9/18
- Section 3-1 -- Introduction Node Voltage Analysis
Monday 9/21
- Section 3-1 -- More on Node Voltage Analysis
- Selection of a reference (ground) node
- Definition of node voltage
- Calculating element voltages from node voltages
- Steps in node voltage analysis
Wednesday 9/23
- Section 3-1 -- More on Node Voltage Analysis
- Section 3-2 -- Introduction to Mesh Current Analysis
- Section 3-2 -- Introduction to Mesh Current Analysis
- Mesh current analysis with for circuits contaning no current sources
Friday 9/25
Monday 9/28
- Section 3-3 -- Linearity -- Superposition and Unit Output Methods
- Solving circuits with multiple inputs using superposition
- Solving ladder circuits using the unit output method
Wednesday 9/30
- Section 3-4 -- Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
- Defining open-circuit voltage voc and short-circuit current isc,
- Thevenin equivalent circuit -- VT = voc,
RT = voc/isc,
- Norton equivalent circuit -- IN = isc,
RN = voc/isc,
- RT = RN = resistance looking backwards with all
independent sources turned off.
Friday 10/2
- Section 3-4 -- More 0n Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
- Finding operating point (Q-point) for non-linear loads
- Section 3-5 -- Maximum signal transfer
- If source is fixed
- maximum power transfer when RL =
- maximum voltage when RL = infinity
- maximum current when RL = 0
Monday 10/5
- Review of Chapter 3 for Exam
Wednesday 10/7
- Review of Chapter 3 for Exam
Friday 10/9
Monday 10/12
- Section 4-1 -- Active devices and dependent sources
- Definition of active device
- Definition of linear dependent source
- Current-controlled voltage source
- Voltage-controlled voltage source
- Current-controlled current source
- Voltage-controlled current source
- Definition of feedback
- Applying circuit analysis techniques to circuits with linear dependent
Wednesday 10/14
- Section 4-2 -- Circuit analysis with dependent sources
- No feedback -- analyze part with independent sources, then part with
dependent sources
- Feedback -- usually easiest to use node-voltage or mesh-current
- Node-voltage -- put dependent source value in terms of node voltages,
and proceed as in regular node voltage analysis
- Mesh-current -- put dependent source value in terms of mesh currents,
and proceed as in regular mesh current analysis
Friday 10/16
- Definition of input resistance and output resistance
- How to calculate Rin and Rout
Monday 10/19
- Section 4-4 and 4-5 -- The Operational Amplifier (Op Amp)
- Saturation voltages, linear region, operation with negative feedback
- Golden rules -- when operating in the linear region with negative
feedback, iN = iP = 0, and vN = vP
- Analysis of op amp cicuits -- for unknown circuits use node-voltage
analysis: do not write node voltage equation at op amp outputs, but get the
extra equation by applying vN = vP.
- Op Amp building blocks
- Inverting amplifier
- Follower
Wednesday 10/21
- Section 4-5 -- Op Amp Circuit Analysis
- Op amp building blocks
- Non-inverting amplifier
- Summing amplifier
- Difference amplifier
- Using building blocks and block diagrams to analyze and desgin op amp
Monday 10/26
- Sections 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 --
Basic signals in Electrical Engineering
- The step function
- The delta function
- The ramp function
- The exponential function -- amplitude and time constant
Wednesday 10/28
- Section 5-4 -- the sinusoidal function
- Amplitude, period, and phase
- Relationship between period, frequency (in Hertz), and frequency (in
- Converting between phase-frequency form (VAcos(2 pi f t + phi))
and Fourier components (a cos(2 pi f t) + b sin(2 pi f t)).
Friday 10/30
- Section 5-5 -- Composite waveforms
- Exponential rise
- Damped sinusoid
- Double exponential
- Section 5-6 -- Waveform partial descriptors
- Period, Vmax, Vmin, VPP,
Monday 11/2
- Section 5-6 -- Waveform partial descriptors
- Root-Mean-Square value (VRMS)
- Review of Chapters 4 and 5 for Exam
Wednesday 11/4
- Exam over Chapters 4 and 5
Friday 11/6
- Sections 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 -- Capacitors, Inductors and Dynamic OP AMP
- v-i relationship for capacitor
- v-i relationship for inductor
- Using capacitors with op-amps -- differentiator and integrator
Monday 11/9
- Section 6-4 -- Equivalent capacitors and inductor circuits
- Capacitors in series and parallel
- Inductors in series and parallel
Wednesday 11/11
- Section 7-1 -- Zero-input response of RC and RL circuits
- Finding equation for RC and RL circuit using KVL, KCL and element
- Definition zero-input response.
- Solution of first-order constant-coefficient homogeneous linear differential
Friday 11/13
- Section 7-2 -- Step response of RC and RL circuits
- Definition of natural and forced response
- Solution of first-order constant-coefficient linear differential
equation with step input.
Bill Rison,
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