Be able to calculate voltages across elements from node voltages.
Be able to formulate node voltage equations for a circuit with current
sources, voltage sources and resistors which, when solved, will yield all the
node voltages in the circuit.
Be able to solve a system of two linear algebraic equations with two
unknowns by hand (and calculator).
Be able to solve a system of linear algebraic equations
using MATLAB.
Be able to formulate mesh current equations for a circuit with current
sources, voltage sources and resistors which, when solved, will yield all the
mesh currents in the circuit.
Be able to use circuit reduction to reduce the complexity of a circuit
before applying node voltage or mesh current techniques.
Be able to evaluate a circuit to determine whether node voltage or mesh
current analysis is more appropriate - which method will result in a fewer
number of equations, and which will solve more directly for the desired
Be able to define linearity, homogeneity (proportionality) and additivity
Be able to use the unit output method (based on the proportionality
property of linear circuits) to find the output of ladder circuits.
Be able to use the superposition principle to analyze circuits with
multiple input sources.
Be able to define a Thévenin equivalent circuit and a Norton
equivalent circuit.
Be able to define the open circuit (Thévenin) voltage and short
circuit (Norton) current for a two-terminal source circuit.
Be able to find the Thévenin equivalent circuit
for a two-terminal source circuit.
Be able to find the Norton equivalent circuit
for a two-terminal source circuit.
Be able to use Thévenin equivalent circuits and Norton equivalent
circuits to find the operating point (Q-point) of a source circuit driving a
non-linear load.
Be able to determine if a source circuit delivers the maximum possible
power to a load.
Be able to define input resistance and output resistance for a circuit.
Be able to design an interface circuit between a source circuit and a load
such that the input resistance of the interface circuit matches the
output resistance of the source circuit, and the output resistance of the
interface circuit matches the input resistance of the load.