EE 211 Section 1
Course Objectives - Chapters 4 and 5
Chapter 4
- 1.
- Be able to define an active device.
- 2.
- Be able to define a dependent source.
- 3.
- Be able to define the four types of linear dependent sources:
- (a)
- Current-Controlled Voltage Source
- (b)
- Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source
- (c)
- Current-Controlled Current Source
- (d)
- Voltage-Controlled Current Source
- 4.
- Be able to define the following terms:
- (a)
- Transresistance r
- (b)
- Voltage gain

- (c)
- Current gain

- (d)
- Transconductance g
- 5.
- Be able to define feedback, and to identify circuits where feedback is
- 6.
- Be able to analyze circuits with dependent sources:
- (a)
- Circuit Reduction
- (b)
- Source Transformations
- (c)
- Superposition
- (d)
- Node-voltage Analysis
- (e)
- Mesh-current Analysis
- 7.
- Be able to define the input resistance and output resistance of a circuit.
- 8.
- Be able to determine the input resistance and output resistance of a
- 9.
- Be able to draw the dependent-source model of an op amp.
- 10.
- Be able to identify when negative feedback is present in an op amp
- 11.
- Be able to use the ideal model of the op amp (vP = vN and
iP =
iN = 0 when negative feedback is present, and the op amp is not saturated)
to solve circuits with op amps.
- 12.
- Be able to determine whether an op amp is in the linear mode or the
saturation mode.
- 13.
- Be able to use node-voltage analysis to analyze op amp circuits.
- 14.
- Be able to recognize and determine the gain of the five op-amp
building-block circuits:
- (a)
- Inverting Amplifier
- (b)
- Non-inverting Amplifier
- (c)
- Follower
- (d)
- Summing Op-Amp Circuit
- (e)
- Difference Amplifier
- 15.
- Be able to determine the gain of an op amp circuit designed with the
standard building blocks.
- 16.
- Be able to design an op-amp circuit with a desired input-output
relationship with the standard op-amp building blocks.
Chapter 5
- 1.
- Be able to sketch the following basic waveforms:
- (a)
- Unit Step Function u(t)
- (b)
- Impulse Function

- (c)
- Ramp Function r(t)
- (d)
- Exponential Waveform
[VA e-t/TC] u(t)
- (e)
- Sinusoidal Waveform
![$V_A \cos[2 \pi t/T_0 + \phi]$](img4.gif)
- 2.
- Be able to integrate and differentiate the basic waveforms.
- 3.
- Be able to calculate and sketch linear combinations of the basic
- 4.
- For exponential waveforms be able to:
- (a)
- Define the amplitude VA and the time constant TC
- (b)
- Given any two of the following quantities, be able to determine the
- i.
- Amplitude VA
- ii.
- Time Constant TC
- iii.
- Value at one time v(t1)
- iv.
- Value at a second time v(t2)
- 5.
- For sinusoidal waveforms be able to:
- (a)
- Define Amplitude, Period, Frequency, Phase
- (b)
- Be able to convert between frequency in Hertz and frequency in
- (c)
- From the equation of a sinusoid be able to determine Amplitude, Period,
Frequency, Phase
- (d)
- Be able to convert between the cosine phase-description of sinusoids
and the Fourier form (
- 6.
- Be able to combine the three basic waveforms (step, sinusoidal,
exponential) into composite waveforms. In particular be able to identify and
- (a)
- The exponential rise waveform
v(t) = VA [1 - e-t/TC] u(t)
- (b)
- The decaying sinusoid
![$v(t) = V_A[e^{-t/T_C} \sin \omega_0 t] u(t)$](img6.gif)
- (c)
- The double exponential
v(t) = VA (e-t/T1 - et/T2) u(t)
Bill Rison