How to Put Cygwin on a Windows Computerk

This will install Cygwin on your computer. It should put an Cygwin icon on your desktop.

If you double-click on the Cygwin icon, you will get a Cygwin shell which is not very friendly to use. You can replace the default Cygwin shell with the rxvt shell be modifying the file C:\cygwin\Cygwin.bat. If you want to use the bash shell, modify the file to look like this:

@echo off

chdir C:\cygwin\bin

REM bash --login -i

C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -sl 1500 -fn "16-Lucida Console-12" -bg white -fg black -sr -e  /usr/bin/bash --login -i
I prefer the tcsh shell. If you want to use the tcsh shell, modify the file to look like this:
@echo off

chdir C:\cygwin\bin

REM bash --login -i

C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -sl 1500 -fn "16-Lucida Console-12" -bg white -fg black -sr -e  /usr/bin/tcsh -l
Now when you click on the Cygwin icon, you should get the rxvt shell. You can modify the rxvt shell to change the foreground and background colors, the font used, etc. For example, see this web site: HREF=