EE 308
Homework Assignment 4
Due Feb. 16, 2000
- Find the values of the N, C, Z, and V bits of the
CCR register after execution of each of the following instructions, given that
[A] = 0x50 and the condition flags are N=0, C=1, Z=1, and
V=0. (Assume these are the values before each instruction starts --
e.g., do not use the flag state resulting from the intstruction in part (a) as the initial state for
part (b).)
- ADDA #$67
- CMPA #$60
- SUBA #$70
- The following is the output from a program assembled using the CA6812
assembler. In a few cases the assembler output has been replaced by blanks.
Fill in the blanks to show what the assembler output really was.
1 ; Example program for Homework 4
3 00000800 prog: equ $0800
4 ________ data: equ $0900
7 00000004 LEN: equ $04
10 CODE: section .text
11 0800 org prog
12 0800 de01 start: ldx val2
13 ____ cc3344 ldd #$3344
14 0805 52 ____
15 0806 6b__ stab LEN,x
16 0808 9603 ldaa val2+2
17 080a 5a04 staa _____
18 080c ______ inc count
19 080f 3f last: swi
22 DATA: section .data
23 0000 0a val1: dc.b 10
24 0001 c200 val2: dc.w $c200
25 ____ f0 dc.b ____
26 0004 00000000 table: ds.b LEN
27 0008 __ count: dc.b -10
Map of junk.h12 from link file hw04.lkf - Fri Feb 04 16:29:50 2000
LEN 00000004
count 00000008
data 00000900
____ 0000080f
prog 00000800
start ________
table 00000004
val1 00000000
val2 00000001
- Write a sequence of instructions which will make bits 3-0 of PORT B input and
bits 7-4 of PORT B output. These instructions should be in assembly language.
- Write the program for Lab 4. Make sure you use top-down design, and
document your program with comments. This program should be in assembly
Bill Rison,
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