EE 308
Homework #6
Due March 1, 2000
Below is a program which uses the Timer Overflow Interrupt. It interrupts the
HC12 every 33 ms. On each interrupt, it writes the one's complement of Port A
to Port B.
* Program to use Timer Overflow Interrupt
#include "hc12.h"
#define TRUE 1
DDRA = 0x00; /* Make Port A input */
DDRB = 0xff; /* Make Port B output */
TSCR = 0x80; /* Turn on timer */
TMSK2 = 0x82; /* Enable timer overflow interrupt, set prescaler */
TFLG2 = 0x80; /* Clear timer interrupt flag */
enable(); /* Enable interrupts (clear I bit) */
while (TRUE) { } /* Do nothing for now */
* Tell the HC12 what to do when it receives a TOF interrupt
@interrupt void tof_isr(void)
PORTB = ~PORTA; /* Write 1's complement of A to B */
TFLG2 = 0x80; /* Clear source of interrupt */
Homework Problems
- What is the address of the 16-bit free-running counter in the HC12?
- Consider an HC12 using a 16 MHz crystal (8 MHz E clock). How often will the
TOF interrupt be called
- if the prescaler bits PR2:0 = 001
- if the prescaler bits PR2:0 = 100
- Give the name of the register, the register address, and the apropriate
bit(s) for the following functions:
- The Timer Overflow Flag.
- The Timer Prescaler Bits.
- The Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable bit.
- How do you clear the Timer Overflow Interrupt Flag? Write a line of C
code which will clear the Timer Overlow Interrupt Flag.
- Using the above program as a model, write an interrupt service routine
which increments Port A whenever the timer overflows. Set the timer overflow
interval to be 32 ms.
- How long will it take Port A to overflow, using your program of
Problem 5?
- Consider an HC12 using a 16 MHz crystal (8 MHz E clock). How often will the
RTI interrupt be called
- if the RTI rate bits RTR2:0 = 001
- if the RTI rate bits RTR2:0 = 100
- Give the name of the register, the register address, and the apropriate
bit(s) for the following functions:
- The Real Time Interrupt Flag.
- The Real Time Interrupt Enable bit.
- The bits which control the Real Time Interrupt rate.
- To enable the RTI interrupt, which bit of which register must you set?
- How do you clear the Real Time Interrupt Flag?
- Consider an HC12 using a 16 MHz crystal (8 MHz E clock).
You want to measure the time difference between two rising edges on Bit 2 of
Port B. The maximum
time difference will be 250 ms.
- What should the timer prescaler be set to?
- Write some C code which will set up Bit 2 of Port B to capture the time of
a rising edge.
- Write an interrupt service routine which will read the time of the edge
captured by IC2 and store it in a variable called "first".
- Write the program for Lab 6. Note
that to determine the time difference you need to enter the same interrupt
service routine twice. To make this work you should have a global flag
with some initial value (say 0). When you enter the ISR, if the flag has
a value of 0, you know it is the first time you entered, and you can set
first to the time, and change the global flag to have a value of
1. When you enter the ISR, if the flag has a value of 1, you know it is
the second time through, and you can set second to the time, calulate
the time diffence(second - first), and set the global flag to 2.
The main program monitors the value of the flag. When it sees the flag with a
value of 2, it prints the time to the screen (discussed
here) and resets the flag to 0, so you
can repeat the process.
Bill Rison,
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