EE 308
Homework #9
Due Mar. 28, 2001
Note: If you have trouble downloading the files from the web, you can get them
from the NTLIB directory, ee308/hw09 subdirectory.
Complete the Altera code for Lab
9. Note that you have to replace a few broken blocks in the Altera files
you are given. To do this make a block which works correctly. Then go to the
File menu, and select Make Default Symbol. Open the file
which needs the block, delete the existing broken block, and insert your
correct block.
- Download the file memexp.gdf.
Make sure the program compiles.
Turn in your gdf or tdf file for memexp.
- Download the file exp_ports.gdf.
Delete the broken blocks named w401_eqn and w402_eqn
and replace them with ones which works. Use the code from
w400_eqn.tdf as a model.
Make sure the program compiles.
Turn in your gdf or tdf files.
- Download the file hc12_exp.gdf.
Delete the broken blocks named r401_eqn and r402_eqn
and replace them with ones which works. Use the code from
r400_eqn.tdf as a model.
Make sure the program compiles.
Turn in your gdf or tdf files.
- Use the Assign menu to assign pins to match the schematic.
In the Assign menu you should also make sure that JTAG is enabled.
After you compile your program, look at the hc12_exp.rpt file and
make sure the pinouts match those on the schematic. Turn in the pinout
diagram from hc12_exp.rpt. (Do not print the whole report file, just
select and print the pinout diagram).
Bill Rison,
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