EE 308
Homework #11
Due April 11, 2000
- What register is the Sequence Complete Flag (SCF) in? How does the SCF flag get set? How do you clear it?
- Write some code which will enable the A/D converter, put it into 8-bit mode, and convert the analog inputs on
pins PAD0 through PAD7 continuously.
- Write some code which will enable the A/D converter, put it into
10-bit mode, and convert the analog inputs on
pins PAD0 through PAD7 once. Add some code which will wait until the eight
conversions are completed.
- Write some code which will enable the A/D converter, put it into
8-bit mode, and convert the analog input on pin
PAD3 eight times, then stop. Add some code which will wait until the eight
conversions are completed.
- Add some code to the above problem which will average the eight values of
the conversions of PAD3.
- On an HC12, VRL is connected to 1 V, and VRH is connected to 3 V. The
A/D converter is set up to do 10-bit conversions.
- What voltage step will cause the A/D converter to change value?
- If the input to the A/D converter is 2.3 V, what number will result from
a conversion?
- If the result of a conversion is 0x17B, what was the input voltage
to the A/D converter?
Bill Rison,
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