The grades in the lecture section will be determined as follows.
Homework is due every Wednesday and will be returned the following Monday. The homework assignments are listed in the Lecture Outline handed out in class. Your homework grade will count for 10% of your class grade.
A quiz will be given every Friday and returned on the following Monday. Your quiz grade will also count for 10% of your class grade.
Three exams will be given during the semester. The lowest grade from the three exams will be dropped. Each remaining exam grade will count 25% of your final grade, so the exams count for a total of 50% of your class grade.
A final exam will be given on Friday, December 15, 1995 at 9 AM in Cramer 121. The final exam will be comprehensive - it will cover all material to the end of the term. The final exam will count for 30% of your class grade.
There is a help session on the second floor of Wier every Tuesday at 7:30 PM. There is ASAP tutoring in the Library on Sunday nights.
Revised Homework Grading Policy
October 19, 1995
Two averages will be computed for the homework portion of the final grade. One average for the entire semester, and one average for the homework due after the 49ers break. The larger of these two numbers will be used to compute the homework portion of your final grade.
In short, if you have not been doing homework, start now.