- Numbers
- Decimal to Hex (signed and unsigned)
- Hex to Decimal (signed and unsigned)
- Binary to Hex
- Hex to Binary
- Addition and subtraction of fixed-length hex numbers
- Overflow, Carry, Zero, Negative bits of CCR
- Programming Model
- Internal registers - A, B, (D = AB), X, Y, SP, PC, CCR
- Addressing Modes and Effective Addresses
- INH, IMM, DIR, EXT, REL, IDX (Not Indexed Indirect)
- How to determine effective address
- Instructions
- What they do - Purple book
- What machine code is generated
- How many cycles to execute
- Effect on CCR
- Branch instructions - which to use with signed and which with unsigned
- Machine Code
- Stack and Stack Pointer
- What happens to stack and SP for instructions (e.g., PSHX, JSR)
- Assembly Language
- Be able to read and write simple assembly language program
- Know basic psuedo-ops - e.g., equ, dc.b, ds.w
- Flow charts
Bill Rison