EE 308
Review for Exam 3
- Interfacing
- Getting into expanded mode - MODE Register
- Ports A and B in expanded mode
- Port A - AD 15-8 (Port A is for data for even addresses)
- Port B - AD 7-0 (Port B is for data for odd addresses)
- E clock
- Address on AD 15-0 when E low, Data on AD 15-0 when E high
- Need to latch address on rising edge of E clock
- E-clock strech - MISC register
- R/W Line
- LSTRB line
- Single-byte and two-byte accesses
- 16-bit access of even address - A0 low, LSTRB low - accesses even and
odd bytes
- 8-bit access of even address - A0 low, LSTRB high - accesses even
byte only
- 8-bit access of odd address - A0 high, LSTRB low - accesses odd
byte only
- Timing - Be sure to meet setup and hold times of device receiving data
- For a write, meet setup and hold of external device
- For a read, meet setup and hold of HC12
- A/D Converter
- How to power-up A/D converter (ATDCTL2)
- How to set modes of A/D converter (ATDCTL5)
- Write 0x01 to ATDCTL4 to set at fastest conversion speed and 8-bit
- Write 0x81 to ATDCTL4 to set at fastest conversion speed and 10-bit
- 8-channel scan vs. 4-channel scan
- Continuous Channel Scan
- Multichannel vs. single channel coversions
- How to tell when conversion is complete - ATDSTAT register
- How to read results of A/D conversions -
- How to read results of A/D conversions -
- Be able to convert from digital number to voltage, and from voltage to
digital number (need to know
Bill Rison