EE 308, Microcontrollers, Spring 2010
EE 308, Microcontrollers, Spring 2010
Bill Rison (Lecture),
Lab Instructors:
Aly El-Osery
Hector Erives
Spring 2010
- We will use Freescale's CodeWarrior for assemblying and compling programs.
You can download a free version of CodeWarrior from
- You will need a terminal program to talk to your Dragon12-Plus board over a
serial port. (You may also need a USB-to-Serial adapter.) The computers in the Digital Lab have the Microsoft
HyperTerminal program to do this. If you have a Windows computer which runs
Windows XP, HyperTerminal will be in your accesories programs.
- Hyperterminal does not come with Vista or Windows 7. There are several
substitutes available; you can search the web to find one. One option is to
use a program called AsmIDE, which is and IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) for an HCS12 assembler. You can download AsmIDE here.
Please email me your comments.
Bill Rison,
<rison@nmt.edu >