EE 308
Homework Assignment 3
Due Feb. 2, 1996
- Write a program which increments address 0x1004
indefinitely. (Address 0x1004 is connected to pins on the HC11
package, so can we can observe this address incrementing externally.)
- Write a program which fills memory locations from 0x0180
to 0x01FF with an alternating pattern 0x00
and 0xFF. I.e., even addresses, such as 0x0180 and
0x01CA, will be filled with 0x00, and odd addresses, such as
0x181 and 0x016F, will be filled with 0x0FF.
- Write a program to take all the data in locations 0xE000 to
0xE07F into locations 0x0180 to 0x01FF.
- Write a program that puts the greatest one-byte 2's complement
number from memory locations 0xE000 through 0xE01F in
accumulator A, and into memory location 0x0000.
- Write a program that puts the greatest unsigned number from memory
locations 0xE000 through 0xE01F in accumulator A,
and stores it in memory location 0x0001.
- Write a program that counts the number of negative numbers in the
memory locations 0xE000 through 0xFE77. Store the result
in memory starting at location 0x0002. (Hint: There are more than
255 negative numbers in the specified memory locations).
Bill Rison,
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