EE 308
Homework #4
Due Feb. 7, 1996
d_10ms: pshx ldx #(20000/6) ;1 us = 2 cycles => 10 ms = 20,000 cycles ;loop takes 6 cycles, so run loop 20000/6 times d_10ms_1: dex bne d_10ms_1 pulx rts
Write a subroutine called "delay" which will call this routine a number of times equal to what's in the A accumulator. For example, to create a 1 second delay, do the following:
ldaa #100 jsr delay
PC 7 | PC 5 | Port B Function |
0 | 0 | Up Counter |
0 | 1 | Down Counter |
1 | 0 | Flasher |
1 | 1 | Turn Signal |