ASxxxx Assemblers


                            ASLINK Relocating Linker

CHAPTER 1  THE ASSEMBLER                                 1-1 
  1.1     THE ASXXXX ASSEMBLERS                          1-1 
  1.1.1     Assembly Pass 1                              1-2 
  1.1.2     Assembly Pass 2                              1-2 
  1.1.3     Assembly Pass 3                              1-2 
  1.2     SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT                          1-3 
  1.2.1     Statement Format                             1-3     Label Field                                1-3     Operator Field                             1-5     Operand Field                              1-5     Comment Field                              1-6 
  1.3     SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS                        1-6 
  1.3.1     Character Set                                1-6 
  1.3.2     User-Defined Symbols                        1-10 
  1.3.3     Local Symbols                               1-11 
  1.3.4     Current Location Counter                    1-12 
  1.3.5     Numbers                                     1-14 
  1.3.6     Terms                                       1-14 
  1.3.7     Expressions                                 1-15 
  1.4     GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES                  1-16 
  1.4.1     .module Directive                           1-16 
  1.4.2     .title Directive                            1-17 
  1.4.3     .sbttl Directive                            1-17 
  1.4.4     .page Directive                             1-17 
  1.4.5     .byte and .db Directives                    1-17 
  1.4.6     .word and .dw Directives                    1-18 
  1.4.7     .blkb, .blkw, and .ds Directives            1-18 
  1.4.8     .ascii Directive                            1-18 
  1.4.9     .asciz Directive                            1-19 
  1.4.10    .radix Directive                            1-19 
  1.4.11    .even Directive                             1-20 
  1.4.12    .odd Directive                              1-20 
  1.4.13    .area Directive                             1-20 
  1.4.14    .org Directive                              1-22 
  1.4.15    .globl Directive                            1-22 
  1.4.16    .if, .else, and .endif Directives           1-23 
  1.4.17    .include Directive                          1-24 
  1.4.18    .setdp Directive                            1-24 
  1.5     INVOKING ASXXXX                               1-26 
  1.6     ERRORS                                        1-27 
  1.7     LISTING FILE                                  1-28 
  1.8     SYMBOL TABLE FILE                             1-30 
  1.9     OBJECT FILE                                   1-30 

CHAPTER 2  THE LINKER                                    2-1 
  2.1     ASLINK RELOCATING LINKER                       2-1 
  2.2     INVOKING ASLINK                                2-2 
  2.3     ASLINK PROCESSING                              2-3 
  2.4     LINKER INPUT FORMAT                            2-4 
  2.4.1     Object Module Format                         2-5 
  2.4.2     Header Line                                  2-5 
  2.4.3     Module Line                                  2-5 
  2.4.4     Symbol Line                                  2-5 
  2.4.5     Area Line                                    2-6 
  2.4.6     T Line                                       2-6 
  2.4.7     R Line                                       2-6 
  2.4.8     P Line                                       2-7 
  2.5     LINKER ERROR MESSAGES                          2-7 

                                                     Page ii

CHAPTER 3  BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                    3-1 
  3.1     BUILDING AN ASSEMBLER                          3-1 
  3.2     BUILDING ASLINK                                3-2 

APPENDIX F  AS6811 ASSEMBLER                             F-1 
  F.1     6811 REGISTER SET                              F-1 
  F.2     6811 INSTRUCTION SET                           F-1 
  F.2.1     Inherent Instructions                        F-2 
  F.2.2     Branch Instructions                          F-2 
  F.2.3     Single Operand Instructions                  F-3 
  F.2.4     Double Operand Instructions                  F-4 
  F.2.5     Bit Manupulation Instructions                F-4 
  F.2.6     Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions     F-5 
  F.2.7     Long Register Instructions                   F-5 

                                                                 Page iv


                                  P R E F A C E

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers  were  written following the style of
        several cross assemblers found in the Digital Equipment Corpora-
        tion  Users  Society  (DECUS)  distribution of the C programming
        language.  The DECUS code was provided with no documentation  as
        to  the  input  syntax  or the output format.  Study of the code
        revealed that the unknown author of the code  had  attempted  to
        formulate  an assembler with attributes similiar to those of the
        PDP-11 MACRO assembler (without macro's).  The  incomplete  code
        from  the  DECUS C distribution has been largely rewritten, only
        the program structure, and C source  file  organization  remains
        relatively  unchanged.   However, I wish to thank the author for
        his contribution to this set of assemblers.  

           The  ASLINK  program was written as a companion to the ASxxxx
        assemblers, its design and implementation was not  derived  from
        any other work.  

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers  and the ASLINK relocating linker are
        placed in the Public Domain.   Publication  or  distribution  of
        these programs for non-commercial use is hereby granted with the
        stipulation that the  copyright  notice  be  included  with  all

           I  would  greatly  appreciate  receiving  the  details of any
        changes, additions, or errors pertaining to these  programs  and
        will  attempt  to  incorporate  any  fixes  or  generally useful
        changes in a future update to these programs.  

                       Alan R.  Baldwin 
                       Kent State University 
                       Physics Department 
                       Kent, Ohio 44242 


                        C H A N G E S   I N   V 0 1 . 5 0

           The  ASxxxx  assembler  and  linker have been updated to move
        byte index, direct page  mode,  and  byte  pc  relative  address
        checking  from the assembler to the linker.  This change has al-
        lowed the following enhancements:  

             1.  The  .setdp  directive  now has a common format for all
                 AS68xx assemblers.  

             2.  Direct  page  variables  may be externally defined with
                 their addresses resolved at link time.  

             3.  Byte  index  offsets  may  be  external  references and
                 resolved at link time.  

             4.  Byte  pc  relative  instructions  (i.e.   branches) may
                 reference external labels or labels in other areas.  

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers  (using  the  -f  or  -ff option) can
        generate a listing file which flags the data that will be  relo-
        cated by the linker.  

           The  REL file format now has an additional directive for pag-
        ing information and has additional flags for  page0,  page,  and
        unsigned  byte  formats.   The new linker is compatible with the
        first version of the ASxxxx assemblers.  

           The  remaining changes are related to non-portable code found
        while porting the assemblers to a motorola 68030 system.  

                                    CHAPTER 1

                                  THE ASSEMBLER


           The  ASxxxx  assemblers are a series of microprocessor assem-
        blers written in the C programming language.  Each assembler has
        a device specific section which includes:  

             1.  device  description, byte order, and file extension in-

             2.  a  table  of  the assembler general directives, special
                 device directives, assembler mnemonics  and  associated
                 operation codes 

             3.  machine specific code for processing the device mnemon-
                 ics, addressing modes, and special directives 

        The device specific information is detailed in the appendices.  

           The assemblers have a common device independent section which
        handles the details of file input/output, symbol  table  genera-
        tion,  program/data  areas,  expression  analysis, and assembler
        directive processing.  

        The assemblers provide the following features:  

             1.  Command string control of assembly functions 

             2.  Alphabetized, formatted symbol table listing 

             3.  Relocatable object modules 

             4.  Global symbols for linking object modules 

             5.  Conditional assembly directives 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-2

             6.  Program sectioning directives 

           ASxxxx assembles one or more source files into a single relo-
        catable ascii object file.  The output of the ASxxxx  assemblers
        consists of an ascii relocatable object file(*.rel), an assembly
        listing file(*.lst), and a symbol file(*.sym).  

        1.1.1  Assembly Pass 1 

           During  pass  1, ASxxxx opens all source files and performs a
        rudimenatry assembly of each source statement.  During this pro-
        cess  all symbol tables are built, program sections defined, and
        number of bytes for each assembled source line is estimated.  

           At the end of pass 1 all undefined symbols may be made global
        (external) using the ASxxxx switch -g, otherwise undefined  sym-
        bols will be flagged as errors during succeeding passes.  

        1.1.2  Assembly Pass 2 

           During  pass  2  the ASxxxx assembler resolves forward refer-
        ences and determines the number  of  bytes  for  each  assembled
        line.   The  number  of bytes used by a particular assembler in-
        struction may depend upon the addressing mode, whether  the  in-
        struction allows multiple forms based upon the relative distance
        to the addressed location, or other factors.   Pass  2  resolves
        these cases and determines the address of all symbols.  

        1.1.3  Assembly Pass 3 

           Pass 3 by the assembler generates the listing file, the relo-
        catable output file, and the symbol tables.  Also during pass  3
        the errors will be reported.  

           The  relocatable object file is an ascii file containing sym-
        bol references and definitions, program  area  definitions,  and
        the  relocatable assembled code, the linker ASLINK will use this
        information to generate an absolute load file (Motorola or Intel

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-3


        1.2.1  Statement Format 

           A source program is composed of assembly-language statements.
        Each statement must be completed on one line.  A line  may  con-
        tain a maximum of 128 characters, longer lines are truncated and

           An  ASxxxx  assembler  statement  may  have  as  many as four
        fields.  These fields are identified by their order  within  the
        statement  and/or  by separating characters between fields.  The
        general format of the ASxxxx statement is:  

              [label:]  Operator        Operand         [;Comment(s)] 

           The  label and comment fields are optional.  The operator and
        operand fields are interdependent.  The operator field may be an
        assembler  directive or an assembly mnemonic.  The operand field
        may be optional or required as defined in  the  context  of  the

           ASxxxx  interprets  and  processes source statements one at a
        time.  Each statement causes a particular operation to  be  per-
  Label Field  - 

           A  label is a user-defined symbol which is assigned the value
        of the current location counter and entered into  the  user  de-
        fined  symbol  table.   The  current location counter is used by
        ASxxxx to assign memory addresses to the source  program  state-
        ments as they are encountered during the assembly process.  Thus
        a label is a means  of  symbolically  referring  to  a  specific

           When  a program section is absolute, the value of the current
        location counter is absolute;  its value references an  absolute
        memory  address.   Similarly, when a program section is relocat-
        able, the value of the current location counter is  relocatable.
        A  relocation  bias  calculated at link time is added to the ap-
        parent value of the current location counter  to  establish  its
        effective  absolute  address  at  execution time.  (The user can
        also force the linker to relocate sections defined as  absolute.
        This may be required under special circumstances.) 

           If  present,  a  label  must  be  the first field in a source
        statement and must be terminated by a colon (:).   For  example,

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-4

        if  the  value  of  the  current  location  counter  is absolute
        01F0(H), the statement:  

              abcd:     nop 

        assigns  the  value  01F0(H) to the label abcd.  If the location
        counter value were relocatable, the final value of abcd would be
        01F0(H)+K, where K represents the relocation bias of the program
        section, as calculated by the linker at link time.  

           More  than  one label may appear within a single label field.
        Each label so specified is assigned the same address value.  For
        example,  if  the  value  of  the  current  location  counter is
        1FF0(H), the multiple labels in the following statement are each
        assigned the value 1FF0(H):  

              abcd:     aq:     $abc:   nop 

           Multiple labels may also appear on successive lines.  For ex-
        ample, the statements 

              $abc:     nop 

        likewise  cause  the  same value to be assigned to all three la-

           A  double  colon  (::)  defines the label as a global symbol.
        For example, the statement 

              abcd::    nop 

        establishes the label abcd as a global symbol.  The distinguish-
        ing attribute of a global symbol is that it  can  be  referenced
        from  within an object module other than the module in which the
        symbol is defined.  References to this label  in  other  modules
        are  resolved when the modules are linked as a composite execut-
        able image.  

        The legal characters for defining labels are:  

                A through Z 
                a through z 
                0 through 9 
                . (Period) 
                $ (Dollar sign) 
                _ (underscore) 

           A  label may be any length, however, only the first eight (8)
        characters are significant and, therefore must be  unique  among
        all   labels  in  the  source  program  (not  necessarily  among

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-5

        separately compiled modules).  An error code(s) (m or p) will be
        generated  in the assembly listing if the first eight characters
        in two or more labels are the same.  The m code is caused by the
        redeclaration  of  the symbol or its reference by another state-
        ment.  The p code is generated because the symbols  location  is
        changing on each pass through the source file.  

           The  label  must  not  start with the characters 0-9, as this
        designates a local symbol with special attributes described in a
        later section.  
  Operator Field  - 

           The  operator field specifies the action to be performed.  It
        may consist of an instruction mnemonic (op code) or an assembler

           When  the  operator is an instruction mnemonic, a machine in-
        struction is generated and the assembler evaluates the addresses
        of  the operands which follow.  When the operator is a directive
        ASxxxx performs certain control actions or processing operations
        during assembly of the source program.  

           Leading  and  trailing  spaces  or tabs in the operator field
        have no significance;  such characters serve  only  to  separate
        the operator field from the preceeding and following fields.  

           An operator is terminated by a space, tab or end of line.  
  Operand Field  - 

           When  the  operator is an instruction mnemonic (op code), the
        operand  field  contains  program  variables  that  are  to   be
        evaluated/manipulated by the operator.  

           Operands  may  be  expressions  or  symbols, depending on the
        operator.  Multiple expressions used in the operand  fields  may
        be  separated  by a comma.  An operand should be preceeded by an
        operator field;  if it is not, the statement will give an  error
        (q  or  o).   All  operands  following instruction mnemonics are
        treated as expressions.  

           The operand field is terminated by a semicolon when the field
        is followed  by  a  comment.   For  example,  in  the  following

              label:    lda     abcd,x          ;Comment field 

        the  tab  between lda and abcd terminates the operator field and
        defines the beginning of the operand field;  a  comma  separates

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-6

        the operands abcd and x;  and a semicolon terminates the operand
        field and defines the beginning of the comment field.   When  no
        comment  field  follows,  the operand field is terminated by the
        end of the source line.  
  Comment Field  - 

           The comment field begins with a semicolon and extends through
        the end of the line.  This field is optional and may contain any
        7-bit ascii character except null.  

           Comments  do not affect assembly processing or program execu-


           This  section  describes the generic components of the ASxxxx
        assemblers:  the character set, the conventions observed in con-
        structing  symbols,  and  the use of numbers, operators, and ex-

        1.3.1  Character Set 

           The following characters are legal in ASxxxx source programs: 

             1.  The  letters  A  through Z.  Both upper- and lower-case
                 letters are acceptable.  The assemblers are case sensi-
                 tive,  i.e.  ABCD and abcd are different symbols.  (The
                 assemblers can be made case insensitive by  recompiling
                 with the appropriate switches.) 

             2.  The digits 0 through 9 

             3.  The  characters . (period), $ (dollar sign), and _ (un-

             4.  The special characters listed in Tables 1 through 6.  

           Tables  1  through  6  describe  the various ASxxxx label and
        field terminators, assignment operators, operand separators, as-
        sembly, unary, binary, and radix operators.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-7

        Table 1         Label Terminators and Assignment Operators 

                :   Colon               Label terminator.  

                ::  Double colon        Label  Terminator;   defines the
                                        label as a global label.  

                =   Equal sign          Direct assignment operator.  

                ==  Double equal        Direct assignment operator;  
                    sign                defines  the  symbol as a global


        Table 2         Field Terminators and Operand Separators 

                    Tab                 Item or field terminator.  

                    Space               Item or field terminator.  

                ,   Comma               Operand field separator.  

                ;   Semicolon           Comment field indicator.  


        Table 3         Assembler Operators 

                #   Number sign         Immediate expression indicator. 

                .   Period              Current location counter.  

                (   Left parenthesis    Expression delimiter.  

                )   Right parenthesis   Expression delimeter.  


        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-8

        Table 4         Unary Operators 

                <   Left bracket           Right bracket       >FEDC   Produces  the upper byte
                                                value of the expression.

                +   Plus sign           +A      Positive value of A 

                -   Minus sign          -A      Produces   the  negative
                                                (2's complement) of A.  

                ~   Tilde               ~A      Produces the 1's comple-
                                                ment of A.  

                '   Single quote        'D      Produces  the  value  of
                                                the character D.  

                "   Double quote        "AB     Produces the double byte
                                                value for AB.  

                \   Backslash           '\n     Unix style characters 
                                                \b, \f, \n, \r, \t 
                                     or '\001   or octal byte values.  


        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-9

        Table 5         Binary Operators 

                <<  Double          0800 << 4   Produces the 4 bit 
                    Left bracket                left-shifted   value  of
                                                0800.  (8000) 

                >>  Double          0800 >> 4   Produces the 4 bit 
                    Right bracket               right-shifted  value  of
                                                0800.  (0080) 

                +   Plus sign       A + B       Arithmetic      Addition

                -   Minus sign      A - B       Arithmetic   Subtraction

                *   Asterisk        A * B       Arithmetic   Multiplica-
                                                tion operator.   (signed

                /   Slash           A / B       Arithmetic      Division
                                                operator.        (signed
                                                16-bit quotient) 

                &   Ampersand       A & B       Logical AND operator.  

                |   Bar             A | B       Logical OR operator.  

                %   Percent sign    A % B       Modulus operator.  
                                                (16-bit value) 

                ^   Up arrow or     A ^ B       EXCLUSIVE OR operator.  


        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-10

        Table 6         Temporary Radix Operators 

                0b, 0B                  Binary radix operator.  

                0@, 0o, 0O, 0q, 0Q      Octal radix operator.  

                0d, 0D                  Decimal radix operator.  

                0h, 0H, 0x, 0X          Hexidecimal radix operator.  

                Potential  ambiguities arising from the use of 0b and 0d
                as temporary radix operators may be circumvented by pre-
                ceding  all  non-prefixed  hexidecimal  numbers with 00.
                Leading 0's are required in any  case  where  the  first
                hexidecimal  digit is abcdef as the assembler will treat
                the letter sequence as a label.  


        1.3.2  User-Defined Symbols 

           User-defined  symbols are those symbols that are equated to a
        specific value through a direct assignment statement  or  appear
        as  labels.  These symbols are added to the User Symbol Table as
        they are encountered during assembly.  

        The following rules govern the creation of user-defined symbols: 

             1.  Symbols  can  be  composed  of alphanumeric characters,
                 dollar signs ($),  periods  (.),  and  underscores  (_)

             2.  The  first  character  of a symbol must not be a number
                 (except in the case of local symbols).  

             3.  The  first eight characters of a symbol must be unique.
                 A symbol can be written  with  more  than  eight  legal
                 characters, but the ninth and subsequent characters are

             4.  Spaces and Tabs must not be embedded within a symbol.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-11

        1.3.3  Local Symbols 

           Local  symbols are specially formatted symbols used as labels
        within a block of coding that has been delimited as a local sym-
        bol  block.   Local  symbols  are  of  the form n$, where n is a
        decimal integer from 0 to 255,  inclusive.   Examples  of  local
        symbols are:  


           The  range  of  a local symbol block consists of those state-
        ments between two normally constructed  symbolic  labels.   Note
        that a statement of the form:  

              ALPHA = EXPRESSION 

        is a direct assignment statement but does not create a label and
        thus does not delimit the range of a local symbol block.  

           Note that the range of a local symbol block may extend across
        program areas.  

           Local symbols provide a convenient means of generating labels
        for branch instructions and other such references  within  local
        symbol  blocks.   Using local symbols reduces the possibility of
        symbols with multiple definitions appearing within a  user  pro-
        gram.   In  addition,  the  use  of local symbols differentiates
        entry-point labels from local labels, since local labels  cannot
        be referenced from outside their respective local symbol blocks.
        Thus, local symbols of the same name can appear in  other  local
        symbol blocks without conflict.  Local symbols require less sym-
        bol table space than normal symbols.  Their use is recommended. 

           The  use of the same local symbol within a local symbol block
        will generate one or both of the m or p errors.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-12

        Example of local symbols:  

                a:      ldx     #atable ;get table address
                        lda     #0d48   ;table length
                1$:     clr     ,x+     ;clear
                        bne     1$
                b:      ldx     #btable ;get table address
                        lda     #0d48   ;table length
                1$:     clr     ,x+     ;clear
                        bne     1$

        1.3.4  Current Location Counter 

           The  period  (.) is the symbol for the current location coun-
        ter.  When used in the operand  field  of  an  instruction,  the
        period   represents  the  address  of  the  first  byte  of  the

                AS:     ldx     #.      ;The period (.) refers to
                                        ;the address of the ldx

           When  used  in  the  operand field of an ASxxxx directive, it
        represents the address of the current byte or word:  

                QK = 0
                .word   0xFFFE,.+4,QK   ;The operand .+4 in the .word
                                        ;directive represents a value
                                        ;stored in the second of the
                                        ;three words during assembly.

           If  we  assume  the  current  value of the program counter is
        0H0200, then during assembly, ASxxxx  reserves  three  words  of
        storage  starting  at  location 0H0200.  The first value, a hex-
        idecimal constant FFFE, will be stored at location 0H0200.   The
        second  value  represented  by  .+4  will  be stored at location
        0H0202, its value will be 0H0206 ( = 0H0202  +  4).   The  third
        value  defined  by  the  symbol  QK  will  be placed at location

           At the beginning of each assembly pass, ASxxxx resets the lo-
        cation counter.  Normally, consecutive memory locations are  as-
        signed  to  each  byte  of  object code generated.  However, the
        value of the location counter can be changed  through  a  direct
        assignment statement of the following form:  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-13

              . = . + expression 

           The  new  location  counter can only be specified relative to
        the current location counter.  Neglecting to specify the current
        program  counter  along with the expression on the right side of
        the assignment operator will generate the (.) error.   (Absolute
        program areas may use the .org directive to specify the absolute
        location of the current program counter.) 

        The following coding illustrates the use of the current location

                .area   CODE1   (ABS)   ;program area CODE1
                                        ;is ABSOLUTE
                .org    0H100           ;set location to
                                        ;0H100 absolute
        num1:   ldx     #.+0H10         ;The label num1 has
                                        ;the value 0H100.
                                        ;X is loaded with
                                        ;0H100 + 0H10
                .org    0H130           ;location counter
                                        ;set to 0H130
        num2:   ldy     #.              ;The label num2 has
                                        ;the value 0H130.
                                        ;Y is loaded with
                                        ;value 0H130.
                .area   CODE2   (REL)   ;program area CODE2
                                        ;is RELOCATABLE
                . = . + 0H20            ;Set location counter
                                        ;to relocatable 0H20 of
                                        ;the program section.
        num3:   .word   0               ;The label num3 has
                                        ;the value
                                        ;of relocatable 0H20.
                . = . + 0H40            ;will reserve 0H40
                                        ;bytes of storage as will
                .blkb   0H40            ;or
                .blkw   0H20

           The  .blkb  and .blkw directives are the preferred methods of
        allocating space.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-14

        1.3.5  Numbers 

           ASxxxx  assumes that all numbers in the source program are to
        be interpreted in decimal radix unless otherwise specified.  The
        .radix  directive  may  be used to specify the default as octal,
        decimal, or hexidecimal.  Individual numbers can  be  designated
        as  binary, octal, decimal, or hexidecimal through the temporary
        radix prefixes shown in table 6.  

           Negative  numbers  must be preceeded by a minus sign;  ASxxxx
        translates such numbers into two's  complement  form.   Positive
        numbers may (but need not) be preceeded by a plus sign.  

           Numbers are always considered to be absolute values, therefor
        they are never relocatable.  

        1.3.6  Terms 

           A  term is a component of an expression and may be one of the

             1.  A number.  

             2.  A symbol:  
                 1.  A  period (.) specified in an expression causes the
                     current location counter to be used.  
                 2.  A User-defined symbol.  
                 3.  An undefined symbol is assigned a value of zero and
                     inserted in the User-Defined symbol table as an un-
                     defined symbol.  

             3.  A single quote followed by a single ascii character, or
                 a double quote followed by two ascii characters.  

             4.  An  expression enclosed in parenthesis.  Any expression
                 so enclosed is evaluated and reduced to a  single  term
                 before  the remainder of the expression in which it ap-
                 pears is evaluated.  Parenthesis, for example,  may  be
                 used  to  alter the left-to-right evaluation of expres-
                 sions, (as in A*B+C versus A*(B+C)), or to apply a  un-
                 ary operator to an entire expression (as in -(A+B)).  

             5.  A unary operator followed by a symbol or number.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-15

        1.3.7  Expressions 

           Expressions  are  combinations  of  terms  joined together by
        binary operators.  Expressions reduce to a  16-bit  value.   The
        evaluation  of  an  expression includes the determination of its
        attributes.  A resultant expression value may be  one  of  three
        types  (as  described  later in this section):  relocatable, ab-
        solute, and external.  

        Expressions are evaluate with an operand hierarchy as follows:  

                *       /       %       multiplication,
                                        division, and
                                        modulus first.
                +       -               addition and
                                        subtraction second.
                <<      >>              left shift and
                                        right shift third.
                ^                       exclusive or fourth.
                &                       logical and fifth.
                |                       logical or last
                except that unary operators take precedence over binary

           A  missing  or  illegal  operator  terminates  the expression
        analysis, causing error codes (o) and/or  (q)  to  be  generated
        depending upon the context of the expression itself.  

           At assembly time the value of an external (global) expression
        is equal to the value of the absolute part of  that  expression.
        For  example,  the expression external+4, where 'external' is an
        external symbol, has the value of 4.  This expression,  however,
        when  evaluated  at link time takes on the resolved value of the
        symbol 'external', plus 4.  

           Expressions,  when  evaluated  by  ASxxxx,  are  one of three
        types:  relocatable, absolute, or external.  The following  dis-
        tinctions are important:  

             1.  An  expression is relocatable if its value is fixed re-
                 lative to the base address of the program area in which
                 it appears;  it will have an offset value added at link
                 time.  Terms that contain labels defined in relocatable
                 program   areas   will   have   a   relocatable  value;

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-16

                 similarly, a period (.) in a relocatable program  area,
                 representing  the value of the current program location
                 counter, will also have a relocatable value.  

             2.  An  expression  is  absolute if its value is fixed.  An
                 expression whose terms are numbers and ascii characters
                 will  reduce  to  an absolute value.  A relocatable ex-
                 pression or term minus a relocatable term,  where  both
                 elements  being  evaluated  belong  to the same program
                 area, is an absolute expression.  This is because every
                 term  in  a  program area has the same relocation bias.
                 When one term is subtracted from the other the  reloca-
                 tion bias is zero.  

             3.  An  expression is external (or global) if it contains a
                 single global reference (plus or minus an absolute  ex-
                 pression  value) that is not defined within the current
                 program.  Thus, an external  expression  is  only  par-
                 tially  defined following assembly and must be resolved
                 at link time.  


           An  ASxxxx  directive  is placed in the operator field of the
        source line.  Only one directive is  allowed  per  source  line.
        Each  directive  may  have  a blank operand field or one or more
        operands.  Legal operands differ with each directive.  

        1.4.1  .module Directive 


                .module string 

           The .module directive causes the string to be included in the
        assemblers output file as an identifier for this particular  ob-
        ject  module.   The  string  may  be  from  1 to 8 characters in
        length.  Only one identifier is allowed  per  assembled  module.
        The  main use of this directive is to allow the linker to report
        a modules' use of undefined symbols.  At link time all undefined
        symbols  are  reported  and  the  modules  referencing  them are

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-17

        1.4.2  .title Directive 


                .title  string 

           The .title directive provides a character string to be placed
        on the second line of each page during listing.  

        1.4.3  .sbttl Directive 


                .sbttl  string 

           The .sbttl directive provides a character string to be placed
        on the third line of each page during listing.  

        1.4.4  .page Directive 



           The .page directive causes a page ejection with a new heading
        to be printed.  The new page occurs after the next line  of  the
        source  program is processed, this allows an immediately follow-
        ing .sbttl directive to appear  on  the  new  page.   The  .page
        source line will not appear in the file listing.  

        1.4.5  .byte and .db Directives 


                .byte   exp             ;Stores the binary value
                .db     exp             ;of the expression in the
                                        ;next byte.
                .byte   exp1,exp2,expn  ;Stores the binary values
                .db     exp1,exp2,expn  ;of the list of expressions
                                        ;in successive bytes.
        where:  exp,    represent expressions that will be
                exp1,   truncated to 8-bits of data.
                .       Each expression will be calculated
                .       as a 16-bit word expression,
                .       the high-order byte will be truncated.
                .       Multiple expressions must be
                expn    separated by commas.

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-18

           The  .byte  or .db directives are used to generate successive
        bytes of binary data in the object module.  

        1.4.6  .word and .dw Directives 


                .word   exp             ;Stores the binary value
                .dw     exp             ;of the expression in
                                        ;the next word.
                .word   exp1,exp2,expn  ;Stores the binary values
                .dw     exp1,exp2,expn  ;of the list of expressions
                                        ;in successive words.
        where:  exp,    represent expressions that will occupy two
                exp1,   bytes of data. Each expression will be
                .       calculated as a 16-bit word expression.
                .       Multiple expressions must be
                expn    separated by commas.

           The  .word  or .dw directives are used to generate successive
        words of binary data in the object module.  

        1.4.7  .blkb, .blkw, and .ds Directives 


                .blkb   N       ;reserve N bytes of space
                .blkw   N       ;reserve N words of space
                .ds     N       ;reserve N bytes of space

           The  .blkb  and .ds directives reserve byte blocks in the ob-
        ject module;  the .blkw directive reserves word blocks.  

        1.4.8  .ascii Directive 


                .ascii  /string/ 

        where:  string  is a string of printable ascii characters.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters  do not match, the .ascii
                        directive will give the (q) error.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-19

        The  .ascii  directive  places  one binary byte of data for each
        character in the string into the object module.  

        1.4.9  .asciz Directive 


                .asciz  /string/ 

        where:  string  is a string of printable asciz characters.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters  do not match, the .asciz
                        directive will give the (q) error.  

        The  .ascii  directive  places  one binary byte of data for each
        character in the string into the object module.   Following  all
        the  character  data  a  zero  byte is inserted to terminate the
        character string.  

        1.4.10  .radix Directive 


                .radix  character 

        where:  character  represents  a single character specifying the
                        default radix to be used for succeeding numbers.
                        The character may be any one of the following:  

                        B,b     Binary
                        O,o     Octal
                        D,d     Decimal
                        H,h     Hexidecimal

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-20

        1.4.11  .even Directive 



           The .even directive ensures that the current location counter
        contains an even boundary value by adding 1 if the current loca-
        tion is odd.  

        1.4.12  .odd Directive 



           The  .odd directive ensures that the current location counter
        contains an odd boundary value by adding one if the current  lo-
        cation is even.  

        1.4.13  .area Directive 


                .area   name    [(options)] 

        where:  name    represents the symbolic name of the program sec-
                        tion.   This  name  may  be  the  same  as   any
                        user-defined  symbol  as  the area names are in-
                        dependent of all symbols and labels.  

                options specify the type of program or data area:  
                        ABS     absolute (automatically invokes OVR) 
                        REL     relocatable 
                        OVR     overlay 
                        CON     concatenate 
                        PAG     paged area 

           The .area directive provides a means of defining and separat-
        ing multiple programming and data sections.   The  name  is  the
        area  label used by the assembler and the linker to collect code
        from various separately assembled modules into one section.  The
        name may be from 1 to 8 characters in length.  

           The options are specified within parenthesis and separated by
        commas as shown in the following example:  

                .area  TEST  (REL,CON)  ;This section is relocatable
                                        ;and concatenated with other

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-21

                                        ;sections of this program area.
                .area  DATA  (REL,OVR)  ;This section is relocatable
                                        ;and overlays other sections
                                        ;of this program area.
                .area  SYS   (ABS,OVR)  ;(CON not allowed with ABS)
                                        ;This section is defined as
                                        ;absolute. Absolute sections
                                        ;are always overlayed with
                                        ;other sections of this program
                .area  PAGE  (PAG)      ;This is a paged section. The
                                        ;section must be on a 256 byte
                                        ;boundary and its length is
                                        ;checked by the linker to be
                                        ;no larger than 256 bytes.
                                        ;This is useful for direct page

           The  default  area type is REL|CON;  i.e.  a relocatable sec-
        tion which is concatenated with other sections of code with  the
        same area name.  The ABS option indicates an absolute area.  The
        OVR and CON options indicate if program  sections  of  the  same
        name  will overlay each other (start at the same location) or be
        concatenated with each other (appended to each other).  

           Multiple  invocations  of  the  .area directive with the same
        name must specify the same options or leave  the  options  field
        blank,  this  defaults  to  the previously specified options for
        this program area.  

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers  automatically  provide  two  program

                '.  .ABS.'      This dumby section contains all absolute
                                symbols and their values.  

                '_CODE'         This  is  the default program/data area.
                                This program area is of type (REL,CON). 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-22

        1.4.14  .org Directive 


                .org    exp 

        where:  exp     is  an absolute expression that becomes the cur-
                        rent location counter.  

        The  .org directive is valid only in an absolute program section
        and will give a (q) error if used in a relocatable program area.
        The  .org  directive specifies that the current location counter
        is to become the specified absolute value.  

        1.4.15  .globl Directive 


                .globl  sym1,sym2,...,symn 

        where:  sym1,           represent legal symbolic names. When
                sym2,...        When multiple symbols are specified,
                symn            they are separated by commas.

           A  .globl directive may also have a label field and/or a com-
        ment field.  

           The  .globl directive is provided to define (and thus provide
        linkage to) symbols not  otherwise  defined  as  global  symbols
        within  a  module.   In  defining  global  symbols the directive
        .globl J is similar to:  

              J == expression or J::  

           Because  object  modules  are linked by global symbols, these
        symbols are vital to a program.  All internal symbols  appearing
        within  a  given program must be defined at the end of pass 1 or
        they will be considered undefined.  The assembly directive  (-g)
        can  be  be  invoked to make all undefined symbols global at the
        end of pass 1.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-23

        1.4.16  .if, .else, and .endif Directives 


                .if     expr
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the condition test.  

           The  range of true condition will be processed if the expres-
        sion 'expr' is not zero (i.e.  true) and the range of false con-
        dition  will  be processed if the expression 'expr' is zero (i.e
        false).  The range of true condition is optional as is the .else
        directive  and  the range of false condition.  The following are
        all valid .if/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .if     A-4             ;evaluate A-4
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if A-4 is
                .endif                  ;not zero
                .if     K+3             ;evaluate K+3
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if K+3
                .endif                  ;is zero
                .if     J&3             ;evaluate J masked by 3
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if J&3
                .else                   ;is not zero
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if J&3
                .endif                  ;is zero

        The .if/.else/.endif directives may be nested upto 10 levels.  

           The  .page  directive  is  processed within a false condition
        range to allow extended textual information to  be  incorporated
        in  the  source  program  with  out  the need to use the comment
        delimiter (;):  

                .if     0
                This text will be bypassed during assembly

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-24

                but appear in the listing file.

        1.4.17  .include Directive 


                .include        string 

        where:  string  represents  a  delimited string that is the file
                        specification of an ASxxxx source file.  

           The .include directive is used to insert a source file within
        the source file currently being assembled.  When this  directive
        is encountered, an implicit .page directive is issued.  When the
        end of the specified source file is reached, an  implicit  .page
        directive is issued and input continues from the previous source
        file.  The maximum nesting level of source files specified by  a
        .include  directive  is  five.  The line containing the .include
        directive will not appear in the listing file.  

           The  total  number  of separately specified .include files is
        unlimited as each .include file is opened and then closed during
        each pass made by the assembler.  

        1.4.18  .setdp Directive 


                .setdp [base [,area]] 

        The  set  direct  page  directive has a common format in all the
        AS68xx assemblers.  The .setdp directive is used to  inform  the
        assembler  of  the current direct page region and the offset ad-
        dress within the selected area.  The normal  invocation  methods

                .area   DIRECT  (PAG)
                .setdp  0,DIRECT

        for  all  the  68xx microprocessors (the 6804 has only the paged
        ram area).  The commands specify that the direct page is in area

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-25

        DIRECT and its offset address is 0 (the only valid value for all
        but the 6809 microprocessor).  Be sure to place the DIRECT  area
        at address 0 during linking.  When the base address and area are
        not specified, then zero and the current area are the  defaults.
        If  a  .setdp directive is not issued the assembler defaults the
        direct page to the area "_CODE" at offset 0.  

           The  assembler  verifies  that  any  local variable used in a
        direct variable reference is located in this area.  Local  vari-
        able  and  constant value direct access addresses are checked to
        be within the address range from 0 to 255.  

           External direct references are assumed by the assembler to be
        in the correct area and have valid  offsets.   The  linker  will
        check all direct page relocations to verify that they are within
        the correct area.  

           The  6809  microprocessor  allows the selection of the direct
        page to be on any 256 byte boundary by loading  the  appropriate
        value  into the dp register.  Typically one would like to select
        the page boundary at link time, one method follows:  

                .area   DIRECT  (PAG)   ; define the direct page
                .area   PROGRAM
                ldd     #DIRECT         ; load the direct page register
                tfr     a,dp            ; for access to the direct page

        At  link  time specify the base and global equates to locate the
        direct page:  

                -b DIRECT = 0x1000
                -g DIRECT = 0x1000

        Both  the  area address and offset value must be specified (area
        and variable names are independent).   The  linker  will  verify
        that  the  relocated  direct page accesses are within the direct

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-26

        The  preceeding  sequence  could  be repeated for multiple paged
        areas, however an alternate method is to define a non-paged area
        and use the .setdp directive to specify the offset value:  

                .area   DIRECT          ; define non-paged area
                .area   PROGRAM
                .setdp  0,DIRECT        ; direct page area
                ldd     #DIRECT         ; load the direct page register
                tfr     a,dp            ; for access to the direct page
                .setdp  0x100,DIRECT    ; direct page area
                ldd     #DIRECT+0x100   ; load the direct page register
                tfr     a,dp            ; for access to the direct page

        The  linker  will  verify that subsequent direct page references
        are in the specified area and offset address range.  It  is  the
        programmers responsibility to load the dp register with the cor-
        rect page segment  corresponding  to  the  .setdp  base  address

           For  those  cases  where a single piece of code must access a
        defined data structure within a direct page and there  are  many
        pages,  define  a  dumby  direct page linked at address 0.  This
        dumby page is used only to define  the  variable  labels.   Then
        load  the dp register with the real base address but donot use a
        .setdp directive.  This method is equivalent to indexed address-
        ing,  where the dp register is the index register and the direct
        addressing is the offset.  

        1.5  INVOKING ASXXXX 

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers are command line oriented.  After the
        assembler is started, enter the option(s) and file(s) to  assem-
        ble following the 'argv:' prompt:  

        argv:  [-dqxgalosf] file1 [file2 file3 ...  file6] 

        The options are:  

                d       decimal listing
                q       octal   listing
                x       hex     listing (default)
                        The listing radix affects the
                        .lst, .rel, and .sym files.

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-27

                g       undefined symbols made global
                a       all user symbols made global
                l       create list   output file1.lst
                o       create object output file1.rel
                s       create symbol output file1.sym
                f       flag relocatable references by  `   in the list-
        ing file
                ff      flag relocatable references by mode in the list-
        ing file

           The file name for the .lst, .rel, and .sym files is the first
        file name specified in the command line.  All output  files  are
        ascii  text  files which may be edited, copied, etc.  The output
        files are the concatenation of all the input files, if files are
        to  be  assembled  independently  invoke  the assembler for each

           The  .rel  file contains a radix directive so that the linker
        will use the proper conversion for this file.  Linked files  may
        have different radices.  

           If  the list (l) option is specified without the symbol table
        (s) option, the symbol table is placed at the end of the listing

        1.6  ERRORS 

           The  ASxxxx assemblers provide limited diagnostic error codes
        during the assembly process, these errors will be noted  in  the
        listing file and printed on the stderr device.  The errors are: 

              (.)   This  error  is caused by an absolute direct assign-
                    ment of the current location counter 
                          . = expression (incorrect) 
                    rather than the correct 
                          . = . + expression 

              (a)   Indicates  a machine specific addressing or address-
                    ing mode error.  

              (b)   Indicates a direct page boundary error.  

              (d)   Indicates a direct page addressing error.  

              (i)   Caused  by  an  .include file error or an .if/.endif

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-28

              (m)   Multiple  definitions  of  the  same label, multiple
                    .module directives, or multiple  conflicting  attri-
                    butes in an .area directive.  

              (o)   Directive  or  mnemonic error or the use of the .org
                    directive in a relocatable area.  

              (p)   Phase error:  label location changing between passes
                    2 and 3.  Normally caused by having  more  than  one
                    level of forward referencing.  

              (q)   Questionable syntax:  missing or improper operators,
                    terminators, or delimiters.  

              (r)   Relocation  error:   logic  operation attempted on a
                    relocatable term, addition of two relocatable terms,
                    subtraction  of two relocatable terms not within the
                    same programming area or external symbols.  

              (u)   Undefined symbol encountered during assembly.  

        1.7  LISTING FILE 

           The  (-l) option produces an ascii output listing file.  Each
        page of output contains a four line header:  

             1.  The ASxxxx program name and page number 

             2.  Title from a .title directive (if any) 

             3.  Subtitle from a .sbttl directive (if any) 

             4.  Blank line 

        Each succeeding line contains five fields:  

             1.  Error field (first three characters of line) 

             2.  Current location counter 

             3.  Generated code in byte format 

             4.  Source text line number 

             5.  Source text 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-29

           The error field may contain upto 2 error flags indicating any
        errors encountered while assembling this line of source code.  

           The  current  location counter field displays the 16-bit pro-
        gram position.  This field will be in the selected radix.  

           The generated code follows the program location.  The listing
        radix determines the number of bytes that will be  displayed  in
        this field.  Hexidecimal listing allows six bytes of data within
        the field, decimal and octal allow four bytes within the  field.
        If more than one field of data is generated from the assembly of
        a single line of source code, then the data field is repeated on
        successive lines.  

           The source text line number is printed in decimal and is fol-
        lowed by the source text.  

           Two  special  cases  will  disable  the  listing of a line of
        source text:  

             1.  Source line with a .page directive is never listed.  

             2.  Source  line  with  a  .include  file  directive is not
                 listed unless the .include file cannot be opened.  

           Two  data  field  options  are  available to flag those bytes
        which will be relocated by the linker.   If  the  -f  option  is
        specified  then  each  byte to be relocated will be preceeded by
        the '`' character.  If the -ff option  is  specified  then  each
        byte  to  be relocated will be preceeded by one of the following

             1.  *   paged relocation 

             2.  u   unsigned byte relocation 

             3.  p   PCR byte or low  byte of word relocation 

             4.  q   PCR high byte of word relocation 

             5.  r   low  byte relocation 

             6.  s   high byte relocation 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-30

        1.8  SYMBOL TABLE FILE 

           The symbol table has two parts:  

             1.  The alphabetically sorted list of symbols and/or labels
                 defined or referenced in the source program.  

             2.  A  list of the program areas defined during assembly of
                 the source program.  

           The sorted list of symbols and/or labels contains the follow-
        ing information:  

             1.  Program  area  number (none if absolute value or exter-

             2.  The symbol or label 

             3.  Directly assigned symbol is denoted with an (=) sign 

             4.  The  value of a symbol, location of a label relative to
                 the program area base address (=0), or a ****  indicat-
                 ing the symbol or label is undefined.  

             5.  The  characters:   G - global, R - relocatable, and X -

           The list of program areas provides the correspondence between
        the program area numbers and the defined program areas, the size
        of the program areas, and the area flags (attributes).  

        1.9  OBJECT FILE 

           The  object  file is an ascii file containing the information
        needed by the linker to bind multiple object modules into a com-
        plete  loadable  memory  image.   The object module contains the
        following designators:  

                        X       Hexidecimal radix
                        D       Decimal radix
                        Q       Octal radix
                        H       Most significant byte first
                        L       Least significant byte first
                H       Header 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-31

                M       Module
                A       Area
                S       Symbol
                T       Object code
                R       Relocation information
                P       Paging information

           Refer to the linker for a detailed description of each of the
        designators and the format of the information contained  in  the
        object file.  

                                    CHAPTER 2

                                   THE LINKER


           ASLINK is the companion linker for the ASxxxx assemblers.  

           The  program ASLINK is a general relocating linker performing
        the following functions:  

             1.  Bind multiple object modules into a single memory image 

             2.  Resolve inter-module symbol references 

             3.  Combine  code  belonging to the same area from multiple
                 object files into a single contiguous memory region 

             4.  Perform   byte   and   word  program  counter  relative
                 (pc or pcr) addressing calculations 

             5.  Define absolute symbol values at link time 

             6.  Define absolute area base address values at link time 

             7.  Produce Intel Hex or Motorola S19 output file 

             8.  Produce a map of the linked memory image 

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-2

        2.2  INVOKING ASLINK 

           The  linker  may run in the command line mode or command file
        modes.  The allowed startup linker commands are:  

        -c/-f           command line / command file modes 

        -p/-n           enable/disable echo file.lnk input to stdout 

           If  command  line  mode is selected, all linker commands come
        from stdin, if the command file mode is  selected  the  commands
        are input from the specified file (extension must be .lnk).  

           The linker is started via 

                ASLINK  -(cfpn) 

        After invoking the linker the valid options are:  

             1.  -i/-s   Intel Hex (file.ihx) or Motorola S19 (file.s19)
                 image output file.  

             2.  -m      Generate a map file (  This file con-
                 tains a list of the symbols (by area) with absolute ad-
                 dresses,  sizes  of  linked  areas,  and  other linking

             3.  -xdq    Specifies  the  number  radix  for the map file
                 (Hexidecimal, Decimal, or Octal).  

             4.  fileN   Files  to  be linked.  Files may be on the same
                 line as the above options or on a separate line(s)  one
                 file  per line or multiple files separated by spaces or

             5.  -b  area = expression (one definition per line) 
                 This  specifies  an area base address where the expres-
                 sion may contain constants and/or defined symbols  from
                 the linked files.  

             6.  -g  symbol = expression (one definition per line) 
                 This  specifies  the value for the symbol where the ex-
                 pression may contain constants and/or  defined  symbols
                 from the linked files.  

             7.  -e      or null line, terminates input to the linker.  

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-3


           The  linker  processes  the  files  in  the  order  they  are
        presented.  The first pass through the input files  is  used  to
        define  all  program  areas, the section area sizes, and symbols
        defined or referenced.  After the first pass the -b  (area  base
        address)  definitions,  if  any,  are  processed  and  the areas

           The  area  linking proceeds by first examining the area types
        ABS, CON, REL, OVR and PAG.  Absolute areas (ABS) from  separate
        object modules are always overlayed and have been assembled at a
        specific address, these are not normally relocated (if a -b com-
        mand  is  used  on an absolute area the area will be relocated).
        Relative areas (normally defined as REL|CON) have a base address
        of  0x0000  as read from the object files, the -b command speci-
        fies the beginning address of the area.  All subsequent relative
        areas  will  be  concatenated  with  proceeding  relative areas.
        Where specific ordering is desired, the first linker input  file
        should  have  the area definitions in the desired order.  At the
        completion of the area linking all area  addresses  and  lengths
        have  been determined.  The areas of type PAG are verified to be
        on a 256 byte boundary and that the length does not  exceed  256
        bytes.  Any errors are noted on stderr and in the map file.  

           Next  the  global symbol definitions (-g option), if any, are
        processed.  The symbol definitions have been delayed until  this
        point because the absolute addresses of all internal symbols are
        known and can be used in the expression calculations.  

           Before  continuing  with the linking process the symbol table
        is scanned to determine if any symbols have been referenced  but
        not defined.  Undefined symbols are listed on the stderr device.
        if a .module directive was included in the  assembled  file  the
        module  making  the reference to this undefined variable will be

           Constants  defined  as global in more than one module will be
        flagged as multiple definitions if their values are not  identi-

           After  the  preceeding  processes are complete the linker may
        output a map file (-m option).  This file provides the following

             1.  Global symbol values and label absolute addresses 

             2.  Defined areas and there lengths 

             3.  Remaining undefined symbols 

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-4

             4.  List of modules linked 

             5.  List of -b and -g definitions 

           The final step of the linking process is performed during the
        second pass of the input files.  As the xxx.rel files  are  read
        the code is relocated by substituting the physical addresses for
        the referenced symbols and areas and may be output in  Intel  or
        Motorola  formats.   The  number of files linked and symbols de-
        fined/referenced is limited by the processor space available  to
        build the area/symbol lists.  


           The  linkers'  input  object file is an ascii file containing
        the information needed by the linker  to  bind  multiple  object
        modules into a complete loadable memory image.  

        The object module contains the following designators:  

                        X       Hexidecimal radix
                        D       Decimal radix
                        Q       Octal radix
                        H       Most significant byte first
                        L       Least significant byte first
                H       Header 
                M       Module
                A       Area
                S       Symbol
                T       Object code
                R       Relocation information
                P       Paging information

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-5

        2.4.1  Object Module Format 

           The  first  line  of  an object module contains the [XDQ][HL]
        format specifier (i.e.  XH indicates  a  hexidecimal  file  with
        most significant byte first) for the following designators.  

        2.4.2  Header Line 

                H aa areas gg global symbols 

           The  header  line  specifies  the number of areas(aa) and the
        number of global symbols(gg) defined or referenced in  this  ob-
        ject module segment.  

        2.4.3  Module Line 

                M name 

           The  module  line  specifies  the module name from which this
        header segment was assembled.  The module line will  not  appear
        if the .module directive was not used in the source program.  

        2.4.4  Symbol Line 

                S string Defnnnn 


                S string Refnnnn 

           The  symbol line defines (Def) or references (Ref) the symbol
        'string' with the value nnnn.  The defined value is relative  to
        the  current area base address.  References to constants and ex-
        ternal global symbols will always appear before the  first  area
        definition.  References to external symbols will have a value of

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-6

        2.4.5  Area Line 

                A label size ss flags ff 

           The  area  line  defines the area label, the size (ss) of the
        area in bytes, and the area flags (ff).  The area flags  specify
        the ABS, REL, CON, OVR, and PAG parameters:  

                OVR/CON (0x04/0x00 i.e.  bit position 2) 

                ABS/REL (0x08/0x00 i.e.  bit position 3) 

                PAG (0x10 i.e.  bit position 4) 

        2.4.6  T Line 

                T xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ...  

           The  T  line contains the assembled code output by the assem-
        bler with xx xx being the offset address from the  current  area
        base address and nn being the assembled instructions and data in
        byte format.  

        2.4.7  R Line 

                R 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx ...  

           The R line provides the relocation information to the linker.
        The nn nn value is the current area index, i.e.  which area  the
        current  values  were  assembled.  Relocation information is en-
        coded in groups of 4 bytes:  

             1.  n1 is the relocation mode and object format 
                 1.  bit 0 word(0x00)/byte(0x01) 
                 2.  bit 1 relocatable area(0x00)/symbol(0x02) 
                 3.  bit 2 normal(0x00)/PC relative(0x04) relocation 
                 4.  bit  3  1-byte(0x00)/2-byte(0x08) object format for
                     byte data 
                 5.  bit 4 signed(0x00)/unsigned(0x10) byte data 
                 6.  bit 5 normal(0x00)/page '0'(0x20) reference 
                 7.  bit 6 normal(0x00)/page 'nnn'(0x40) reference 

             2.  n2  is  a byte index into the corresponding (i.e.  pre-
                 ceeding) T line data (i.e.  a pointer to the data to be
                 updated  by  the  relocation).   The T line data may be
                 1-byte or  2-byte  byte  data  format  or  2-byte  word

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-7

             3.  xx xx  is the area/symbol index for the area/symbol be-
                 ing referenced.  the corresponding area/symbol is found
                 in the header area/symbol lists.  

        The groups of 4 bytes are repeated for each item requiring relo-
        cation in the preceeding T line.  

        2.4.8  P Line 

                P 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx 

           The  P  line provides the paging information to the linker as
        specified by a .setdp directive.  The format of  the  relocation
        information is identical to that of the R line.  The correspond-
        ing T line has the following information:  
                T xx xx aa aa bb bb 

           Where  aa aa is the area reference number which specifies the
        selected page area and bb bb is the base address  of  the  page.
        bb bb will require relocation processing if the 'n1 n2 xx xx' is
        specified in the P line.  The linker will verify that  the  base
        address is on a 256 byte boundary and that the page length of an
        area defined with the PAG type is not larger than 256 bytes.  

           The  linker  defaults any direct page references to the first
        area defined in the input REL file.  All ASxxxx assemblers  will
        specify the _CODE area first, making this the default page area. 


           The linker provides detailed error messages allowing the pro-
        grammer to quickly find the errant code.   As  the  linker  com-
        pletes  pass 1  over  the  input  file(s)  it  reports  any page
        boundary or page length errors as follows:  

        ?ASlink-W-Paged Area PAGE0 Boundary Error
        ?ASlink-W-Paged Area PAGE0 Length Error

        where PAGE0 is the paged area.  

           During  Pass  two the linker reads the T, R, and P lines per-
        forming the necessary relocations and  outputting  the  absolute
        code.  Various errors may be reported during this process 

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-8

        The P line processing can produce only one possible error:  

        ?ASlink-W-Page Definition Boundary Error
                 file        module      pgarea      pgoffset
          PgDef  t6809l      t6809l      PAGE0       0001

        The error message specifies the file and module where the .setdp
        direct was issued and indicates  the  page  area  and  the  page
        offset value determined after relocation.  

        The R line processing produces various errors:  

        ?ASlink-W-Byte PCR relocation error for symbol  bra2
                 file        module      area        offset
          Refby  t6809l      t6809l      TEST        00FE
          Defin  tconst      tconst      .  .ABS.    0080

        ?ASlink-W-Unsigned Byte error for symbol  two56
                 file        module      area        offset
          Refby  t6800l      t6800l      DIRECT      0015
          Defin  tconst      tconst      .  .ABS.    0100

        ?ASlink-W-Page0 relocation error for symbol  ltwo56
                 file        module      area        offset
          Refby  t6800l      t6800l      DIRECT      000D
          Defin  tconst      tconst      DIRECT      0100

        ?ASlink-W-Page Mode relocation error for symbol  two56
                 file        module      area        offset
          Refby  t6809l      t6809l      DIRECT      0005
          Defin  tconst      tconst      .  .ABS.    0100

        ?ASlink-W-Page Mode relocation error
                 file        module      area        offset
          Refby  t           Pagetest    PROGRAM     0006
          Defin  t           Pagetest    DIRECT      0100

        These  error messages specify the file, module, area, and offset
        within the area of the code  referencing  (Refby)  and  defining
        (Defin) the symbol.  If the symbol is defined in the same module
        as the reference the linker is unable to report the symbol name.
        The  assembler  listing file(s) should be examined at the offset
        from the specified area to located the offending code.  

           The errors are:  

             1.  The  byte PCR error is caused by exceeding the pc rela-
                 tive byte branch range.  

             2.  The Unsigned byte error indicates an indexing value was
                 negative or larger than 255.  

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 2-9

             3.  The  Page0  error is generated if the direct page vari-
                 able is not in the page0 range of 0 to 255.  

             4.  The page mode error is generated if the direct variable
                 is not within the current direct page (6809).  

                                    CHAPTER 3

                           BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK

           The assemblers and linker have been successfully compiled us-
        ing  the  DECUS C  (PDP-11)  compiler  (patch  level   9)   with
        RT-11/TSX+,  Eyring  Research  Institute,  Inc.   PDOS (680x0) C
        V5.4b compiler, and with  Borland's  Turbo C  V1.5  with  MS-DOS

           The  device  specific  header  file  (i.e.  m6800.h, m6801.h,
        etc.) contains the DECUS C 'BUILD' directives for  generating  a
        command  file to compile, assemble, and link the necessary files
        to prepare an executable image for a particular assembler.  


           The  building  of  a typical assembler (6809 for example) re-
        quires the following files:  

             1.  M6809.H 
             2.  M09EXT.C 
             3.  M09MCH.C 
             4.  M09ADR.C 
             5.  M09PST.C 
             6.  ASM.H 
             7.  ASMAIN.C 
             8.  ASLEX.C 
             9.  ASSYM.C 
            10.  ASSUBR.C 
            11.  ASEXPR.C 
            12.  ASDATA.C 
            13.  ASLIST.C 
            14.  ASOUT.C 

           The  first  five  files are the 6809 processor dependent sec-
        tions which contain the following:  

        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 3-2

             1.  m6809.h -  header  file containing the machine specific
                 definitions of constants,  variables,  structures,  and

             2.  m09ext -  device  description, byte order, and file ex-
                 tension information 

             3.  m09pst -  a  table of the assembler general directives,
                 special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with
                 associated operation codes 

             4.  m09mch / m09adr -  machine specific code for processing
                 the device mnemonics,  addressing  modes,  and  special

           The  remaining nine files provide the device independent sec-
        tions which handle the  details  of  file  input/output,  symbol
        table  generation,  program/data areas, expression analysis, and
        assembler directive processing.  

           The  assembler defaults to the case sensitive mode.  This may
        be altered by changing the case sensitivity flag in asm.h to 

                 * Case Sensitivity Flag
                #define CASE_SENSITIVE  0

           The  assemblers  and  linker should be compiled with the same
        case sensitivity option.  

           The  DECUS C  build files are asxxxx.bld and the Turbo C pro-
        ject files are asxxxx.prj.  

        3.2  BUILDING ASLINK 

           The building of the linker requires the following files:  

             1.  ASLINK.H 
             2.  LKMAIN.C 
             3.  LKLEX.C 
             4.  LKAREA.C 
             5.  LKHEAD.C 
             6.  LKSYM.C 
             7.  LKEVAL.C 
             8.  LKDATA.C 
             9.  LKLIST.C 
            10.  LKRLOC.C 

        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 3-3

            11.  LKS19.C 
            12.  LKIHX.C 

           The  linker defaults to the case sensitive mode.  This may be
        altered by changing the case sensitivity flag in aslink.h to 

                 * Case Sensitivity Flag
                #define CASE_SENSITIVE  0

           The  linker  and  assemblers should be compiled with the same
        case sensitivity option.  

           The  DECUS C build file is aslink.bld and the Turbo C project
        file is aslink.prj.  

                                   APPENDIX F

                                AS6811 ASSEMBLER

        F.1  6811 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 6811 registers used by AS6811:  

                a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
                d       -       16-bit accumulator 
                x,y     -       index registers

        F.2  6811 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables  list all 6811 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS6811 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
        format for each addressing mode supported by AS6811:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                ,x              register indirect addressing
                                zero offset
                offset,x        register indirect addressing
                                0 <= offset <= 255
                ext             extended addressing
                label           branch label

        The terms data, dir, offset, and ext may all be expressions.  

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                        PAGE F-2
        6811 INSTRUCTION SET

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 6811 technical data for valid modes.  

        F.2.1  Inherent Instructions 

                aba             abx
                aby             cba
                clc             cli
                clv             daa
                des             dex
                dey             fdiv
                idiv            ins
                inx             iny
                mul             nop
                rti             rts
                sba             sec
                sei             sev
                stop            swi
                tab             tap
                tba             tpa
                tsx             txs
                wai             xgdx
                psha            pshb
                psh a           psh b
                pshx            pshy
                psh x           psh y
                pula            pulb
                pul a           pul b
                pulx            puly
                pul x           pul y

        F.2.2  Branch Instructions 

                bra     label           brn     label
                bhi     label           bls     label
                bcc     label           bhs     label
                bcs     label           blo     label
                bne     label           beq     label
                bvc     label           bvs     label
                bpl     label           bmi     label
                bge     label           blt     label
                bgt     label           ble     label
                bsr     label

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                        PAGE F-3
        6811 INSTRUCTION SET

        F.2.3  Single Operand Instructions 

                asla            aslb            asld
                asl a           asl b           asl d
                asl     []
                asra            asrb
                asr a           asr b
                asr     []
                clra            clrb
                clr a           clr b
                clr     label
                coma            comb
                com a           com b
                com     []
                deca            decb
                dec a           dec b
                dec     []
                inca            incb
                inc a           inc b
                inc     []
                lsla            lslb            lsld
                lsl a           lsl b           lsl d
                lsl     []
                lsra            lsrb            lsrd
                lsr a           lsr b           lsr d
                lsr     []
                nega            negb
                neg a           neg b
                neg     []
                rola            rolb
                rol a           rol b
                rol     []
                rora            rorb
                ror a           ror b
                ror     []
                tsta            tstb
                tst a           tst b
                tst     []

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                        PAGE F-4
        6811 INSTRUCTION SET

        F.2.4  Double Operand Instructions 

                adca    []              adcb    []
                adc a   []              adc b   []
                adda    []      addb    []      addd    []
                add a   []      add b   []      add d   []
                anda    []              andb    []
                and a   []              and b   []
                bita    []              bitb    []
                bit a   []              bit b   []
                cmpa    []              cmpb    []
                cmp a   []              cmp b   []
                eora    []              eorb    []
                eor a   []              eor b   []
                ldaa    []              ldab    []
                lda a   []              lda b   []
                oraa    []              orab    []
                ora a   []              ora b   []
                sbca    []              sbcb    []
                sbc a   []              sbc b   []
                staa    []              stab    []
                sta a   []              sta b   []
                suba    []      subb    []      subd    []
                sub a   []      sub b   []      sub d   []

        F.2.5  Bit Manupulation Instructions 

                bclr    [],#data
                bset    [],#data
                brclr   [],#data,label
                brset   [],#data,label

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                        PAGE F-5
        6811 INSTRUCTION SET

        F.2.6  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []              jsr     []

        F.2.7  Long Register Instructions 

                cpx     []              cpy     []
                ldd     []              lds     []
                ldx     []              ldy     []
                std     []              sts     []
                stx     []              sty     []