EE 308
Homework #7
Due Mar. 1, 1998
- What setup do you need to do to have the HC11 generate an interrupt
on either a rising or falling edge of Input Capture 2? Write some C code
to do this.
- What setup do you need to do to have the HC11 toggle bit 6 of Port
A on a successful output compare? Write some C code to do this.
- You want to generate a 250~Hz square wave using Output Compare
2. What value should you add to TOC2 in your toc2_isr()?
(Assume that the prescaler bits PR1:0 = 11.) What else should you do
in your toc2_isr()? Write the interrupt service routine
toc2_isr() to do this.
- You want to generate a 500~Hz pulse width modulated signal with a 30%
duty cycle on bit 6 of
Port A using OC1 and OC2. (Again, assume PR1:0 = 11.)
- What setup is necessary to have the HC11 bring PA6 high when
TCNT = TOC1? Write the necessary C code to do this.
- What setup is necessary to have the HC11 bring PA6 low when TCNT =
TOC2? Write the necessary C code to do this.
- In your toc1_isr() how should you update TOC1 and
TOC2 to produce the required PWM signal? Write a TOC1 interrupt
service routing in C which will do this.
- Write the program for
Lab 7.
Bill Rison,
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