C Language Include File for EE 308
* C include file for EE 308
* Spring, 1998
#ifndef __HC11_H
#define __HC11_H 1
/* base address of register block, change this if you relocate the register
* block. This is from an A8. May need to be changed for other HC11 members
* or if you relocate the IO base address.
#define _IO_BASE 0x1000
#define PORTA (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x00))
#define PIOC (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x02))
#define PORTC (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x03))
#define PORTB (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x04))
#define PORTCL (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x05))
#define DDRC (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x07))
#define PORTD (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x08))
#define DDRD (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x09))
#define PORTE (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x0A))
#define CFORC (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x0B))
#define OC1M (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x0C))
#define OC1D (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x0D))
#define TCNT (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x0E))
#define TIC1 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x10))
#define TIC2 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x12))
#define TIC3 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x14))
#define TOC1 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x16))
#define TOC2 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x18))
#define TOC3 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x1A))
#define TOC4 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x1C))
#define TOC5 (*(unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE + 0x1E))
#define TCTL1 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x20))
#define TCTL2 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x21))
#define TMSK1 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x22))
#define TFLG1 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x23))
#define TMSK2 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x24))
#define TFLG2 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x25))
#define PACTL (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x26))
#define PACNT (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x27))
#define SPCR (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x28))
#define SPSR (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x29))
#define SPDR (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x2A))
#define BAUD (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x2B))
#define SCCR1 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x2C))
#define SCCR2 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x2D))
#define SCSR (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x2E))
#define SCDR (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x2F))
#define ADCTL (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x30))
#define ADR1 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x31))
#define ADR2 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x32))
#define ADR3 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x33))
#define ADR4 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x34))
#define BPROT (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x35))
#define EPROG (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x36))
#define OPTION (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x39))
#define COPRST (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x3A))
#define PPROG (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x3B))
#define HPRIO (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x3C))
#define INIT (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x3D))
#define TEST1 (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x3E))
#define CONFIG (*(unsigned char *)(_IO_BASE + 0x3F))
/* These are the locations of the interrupt vectors defined by BUFFALO.
* For example, to use the SCI interrupt, do the following before
* enabling interrupts:
* SCI_VEC = sci_isr;
* where sci_isr() is the SCI interupt service routine:
* #pragma interrupt_handler sci_isr
* void sci_isr(void)
* {
* interrupt-handling code
* }
#define JMP_OP_CODE 0x7E;
#define SCI_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00C4)
#define SCI_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00C5)
#define SPI_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00C7)
#define SPI_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00C8)
#define PAIE_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00CA)
#define PAIE_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00CB)
#define PAO_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00CD)
#define PAO_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00CE)
#define TOF_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00D0)
#define TOF_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00D1)
#define TOC5_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00D3)
#define TOC5_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00D4)
#define TOC4_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00D6)
#define TOC4_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00D7)
#define TOC3_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00D9)
#define TOC3_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00DA)
#define TOC2_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00DC)
#define TOC2_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00DD)
#define TOC1_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00DF)
#define TOC1_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00E0)
#define TIC3_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00E2)
#define TIC3_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00E3)
#define TIC2_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00E5)
#define TIC2_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00E6)
#define TIC1_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00E8)
#define TIC1_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00E9)
#define RTI_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00EB)
#define RTI_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00EC)
#define IRQ_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00EE)
#define IRQ_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00EF)
#define XIRQ_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00F1)
#define XIRQ_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00F2)
#define SWI_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00F4)
#define SWI_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00F5)
#define ILLOP_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00F7)
#define ILLOP_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00F8)
#define COP_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00FA)
#define COP_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00FB)
#define CLM_JMP (* (unsigned char *) 0x00FD)
#define CLM_VEC (* (void (**)()) 0x00FE)
#define enable() asm(" cli")
#define disable() asm(" sei")
Bill Rison,
<rison@ee.nmt.edu >
Fri Feb 6 1998
© 1998, New Mexico Tech