EE 308
Homework Assignment 4
Due Feb. 11, 1999
- Find the values of the N, C, Z, and V bits of the
CCR register after execution of each of the following instructions, given that
[A] = 0x50 and the condition flags are N=0, C=1, Z=1, and
V=0. (Assume these are the values before each instruction starts --
e.g., do not use the flag state resulting from the intstruction in part (a) as the initial state for
part (b).)
- ADDA #$67
- CMPA #$60
- SUBA #$70
- Write a program to compute the sum of the positive numbers of an array
with 0x30 signed eight-bit numbers. Store the sum at
0x0900-0x0901. The array starts at 0xe000.
- Write a program that puts the smallest one-byte signed number from
memory locations 0xFCE0 through 0xFCFF in accumulator A and memory location
0x0900. (Note: The smallest possible one-byte
signed number is 0x80 = -12810.)
- Write a subroutine that can generate a delay of 1 millisecond to 65,535
milliseconds and a program to call the subroutine. The program should write a
0x55 to memory location 0x0000, call the subroutine to delay for 10
milliseconds, then write a 0xAA to memory location 0x0000. then delay for 20
milliseconds. It should continue writing alternating 0x55 and 0xAA to memory
location 0x0000, and increasing the delay by 10 milliseconds each time. After
the delay of 65,530 ms, it should start the program over again. The delay in
milliseconds should be passed to the subroutine in the X index register.
- The following is the output from a program assembled using the CA6812
assembler. In a few cases the assembler output has been replaced by blanks.
Fill in the blanks to show what the assembler output really was.
1 ; Example program for Homework 4
3 00000800 prog: equ $0800
4 ________ data: equ $0900
7 00000004 LEN: equ $04
10 CODE: section .text
11 0800 org prog
12 0800 de01 start: ldx val2
13 ____ cc3344 ldd #$3344
14 0805 52 ____
15 0806 6b__ stab LEN,x
16 0808 9603 ldaa val2+2
17 080a 5a04 staa _____
18 080c ______ inc count
19 080f 3f last: swi
22 DATA: section .data
23 0000 0a val1: dc.b 10
24 0001 c200 val2: dc.w $c200
25 ____ f0 dc.b ____
26 0004 00000000 table: ds.b LEN
27 0008 __ count: dc.b -10
Map of junk.h12 from link file hw04.lkf - Fri Feb 05 16:29:50 1999
LEN 00000004
count 00000008
data 00000900
____ 0000080f
prog 00000800
start ________
table 00000004
val1 00000000
val2 00000001
Bill Rison,
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