Now that you have completed your wiring, you will test your work.
A0 | Type of Access | |
0 | 0 | 16-bit access of even address |
Access data at even address 0xXXXX and | ||
at odd address 0xXXXX+1 | ||
0 | 1 | 8-bit access of odd address 0xXXXX |
1 | 0 | 8-bit access of even address 0xXXXX |
1 | 1 | 16-bit access of odd address |
Not used for external addressing |
Note that if A0 = 0, the HC12 will access the even memory location at 0xXXXX. If = 0, the HC12 will access an odd memory location. If the address 0xXXXX is even, the HC12 accesses odd address 0xXXXX+1 as well as the even address 0xXXXX; if address 0xXXXX is odd, the HC12 accesses the odd address 0xXXXX.
When programming the Altera chip it is important to make sure the pins assigned by the Altera compiler match your wiring. If you put the file memexp.acf into the same directory as your memexp.tdf, the Altera compiler will take pin assignments from the memexp.acf file. Alternatively, you can go to the Assign Pins sub-menu of the Assign menu, and individually tell Altera which function to assign to which pin.
>asm $0D00 LDS #$0C00 ; Load DBug-12 stack pointer CLR $0016 ; Disable COP LDX #$0A00 ; Clear out DBug12 RAM CLR 1,X+ CPX #$0C00 BNE $0D09 LDAA #$2C ; Enable LSTRB and R/W STAA $000A BSET $000B,#$68 ; Expanded wide mode, turn on internal visibility BCLR $0013,#$08 ; Put in one E-Clock stretch JMP $F717 ; Jump to DBug-12
Put your jumper onto the EXP_EN
header on your board. Move jumper W3 on your
EVB to postion 1 (jump to EEPROM mode). Push the reset button on your HC12.
Your HC12 will execute the above code, which will put it into expanded wide