EE 341

Homework Assignment 4
Due Sept. 24, 2004

  1. Problem 3.1 (a) (b) (c) (e). Find h[n] for all n greater than or equal to 0.
    For example, the answer to Part (b) is: y[n] = (n - 1) u[n] + delta[n]
    Note: There is a typo in the book for Problem 3.1(e). The equation should be:
    y[n+2] + 1/4 y[n+1] - 3/8 y[n] = 2 x[n+2] - 3 x[n]
    If you used the incorrect equation in the book and got an answer which seems reasonable (there will be a delta[n-1] in the answer), don't redo it -- I will tell the graders to accept either answer.
  2. Problem 3.4.
  3. Problem 3.6.
  4. Problem 3.9.
  5. Problem 3.11.

Bill Rison, < >