EE 352
Homework Assignment 3
Due Sep. 14, 2001
You make work in groups on this. Turn in enough so that I can tell that you
did the work.
- Add to your Altera code from last week code to implement the following circuit:
- Simulate the Altera code. Make sure that:
- You can write to and read from the control register. You should read from it the data you wrote to it. When you write to it, the data on the output pins should change.
- Set up data port as both input and output
- When the data port is set up as output, what you write to the port appears on the data pins on the connector.
- When the data port is set up as output, you can read back what you wrote to the port.
- When the data port is set up as input, you can read the data on the data pins on the external connector.
- You can read the data on the status pins.
Bill Rison,
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