EE 451
Homework Assignment 9
Due Oct. 27, 2000
- Problem 8.1. For part (d) use a Blackman window rather than a Bartlett
- We wish to design an FIR bandpass filter satisfying the following
Design this filter using a Kaiser window.
- Find
for the Kaiser window to meet the passband and stopband
- Find the length
of the filter to meet the transition band widths.
- Find and plot the impulse response
of the filter.
- Plot the gain
of the filter and show that it meets the
- Repeat Problem 3 using the Remez algorithm for designing an equiripple
FIR filter (the remez() function if MATLAB).
- Find the length M of the filter using Equation 8.2.94 or 8.2.95
of the Text.
- Find the impulse respone h(n) using the remez()
function if MATLAB.
- Plot the gain
of the filter and show that it meets the
Bill Rison,
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