EE 451

Homework Assignment 12
Due Nov. 20, 1996

  1. Problem 10.18 from Orfanidis. Plot the pole-zero diagrams for the filters.
  2. Problem 11.11 from Orfanidis. Plot the pole-zero diagrams for the the CT and DT filters. You may use MATLAB to do the calculations, but be sure to write down the results of the intermediate stepss -- e.g., give values for wpass, N, etc. Use MATLAB to make enlarged plots of the passband and stopband regions to verify that your filter meets the design specifications.
  3. Problem 11.12 from Orfanidis. Plot the pole-zero diagrams for the the CT and DT filters. You may use MATLAB to do the calculations, but be sure to write down the results of the intermediate stepss -- e.g., give values for wpass, N, etc. Use MATLAB to make enlarged plots of the passband and stopband regions to verify that your filter meets the design specifications.
  4. Problem 11.13 from Orfanidis.
  5. Problem 11.15 from Orfanidis. Plot the pole-zero diagrams for the CT and DT filters.

Bill Rison, < >