EE 451

Homework Assignment 8
Due Oct. 23, 1996

  1. Problem 6.17 from Orfanidis. For Part (a), you do not need to factor H(z) into second-order sections. For Part (d), you may write the closed-form expression in terms of
                    n            n pi
      h(n) A + B(-1)  + 2 C cos( ---- + theta)
  2. Problem 6.19 from Orfanidis.
  3. Problem 6.26 from Orfanidis.
  4. Problem 7.1 from Orfanidis.
  5. Problem 7.3 from Orfanidis.
  6. Problem 7.4 from Orfanidis.

Bill Rison, < >