Consider a low-pass filter with the cutoff frequency . Find the impulse response h(n) of this discrete-time system by taking the inverse Fourier transform of H(w).
Your filter uses 101 coefficients. It would be tedious and error-prone to type these coefficients into your program by hand. Instead, modify your MATLAB program to print the coefficients out for you in a way that they can automatically be included in your program. Here is a program fragment which can do this:
fid = fopen('lab4coef.asm','w'); fprintf(fid,'ntaps equ %d\n\n',length(h)); fprintf(fid,' org x:$100\n'); fprintf(fid,'states dsm ntaps\n\n'); fprintf(fid,' org y:0\n'); fprintf(fid,'coef\n'); for n=1:length(h) fprintf(fid,' dc %14.8f\n',h(n)); end fprintf(fid,'\n'); fclose(fid)
In your 56002 program the line
include lab4coef.asmwill put in the necessary information.