EE 451
Lab 7: Spectrum Analyzer using the DSP 56002
Part 2: Calcualting the Spectrum
In this part of the lab, you will modify your program from last week to
calculate the spectrum of the input sample. It will be done in the following
- Use MATLAB to calculate a 1024-point Hamming window (use the
hamming function in MATLAB). Divide this window by 256 (in MATLAB).
- In the 56002, multiply the calculate block by the Hamming window.
- Use the canned routine fftr2a.asm
to calculate the FFT of the data. (This routine uses sincos.asm to calculate the twiddle factors.
See the files fftr2at.asm, fftr2a.hlp, and sincos.hlp to see how to use these.)
- Calculate the squared magnitude of the FFT by squaring the real and
imaginary parts, and adding.
- Use the canned routine bitrev.asm to
bit-reverse the FFT into the correct order.
Bill Rison,
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Wed Nov 6 1996
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