Use MATLAB to design an elliptic filter to meet the following
4 kHz
0.1 dB
4.5 kHz
70 dB
What order of filter is this? Make a pole-zero plot for this filter, and
plot |H(w)| vs. w.
Implement this IIR filter on the 56002. The program iir.asm
has a macro to implement an IIR filter on the 56002, and
shows how to use the macro. Note that when you call the
iir macro, it expects the new input data x(n) to be in the a
accumulator, and when it exits, the new output data y(n) will be in the
a accumulator. You need to reserve storage in x data space
for the filter states ( states in the iir program), and need to
put the filter coefficients and gain in the y data space ( coef
and gain in the
iir program). Each time you call the iir macro you need to
set up r0 to point at the states array and
r4 to point at the filter coefficients.
Measure the frequency response of the elliptic filter. Compare the
frequency response to the plots of Part 1.
What is the maximum order IIR filter you
could implement on the 56002, keeping the 48 kHz sampling rate?
Use MATLAB to find out the order of a Butterworth filter to meet the same
specifications of Part 1. Could you implement this filter on the 56002?
Make a pole-zero plot for this filter, and plot |H(w)| vs. w.
To compare elliptic and Butterworth filters of the same order, design a
Butterworth filter of the same order as the elliptic filter of Part 1. The
filter should meet the same specifications for fpass and Apass. What is
magnitude of the frequency response at fstop?
Implement this filter on the 56002. Measure the frequency response and
compare to the elliptic filter.