Using MATLAB to find impulse and step responses
Consider the difference equation
y(n) + 0.25 y(n-1) = 5 x(n) - 0.75 x(n-1) - 1.75 x(n-2)
This has an impulse response
h(n) = -20 (-0.25)^n + 25 delta(n) - 7 delta(n-1)
and a step response
g(n) = -4 (-0.25)^n + 7 delta(n) + 2 u(n)
The following MATLAB commands finds the responses from the difference
equations and from h(n) and g(n) directly:
n = 0:10 a = [1 0.25 0]; % left hand side of difference equation b = [5 -0.75 -1.75]; % right hand side of difference equation h1 = -20*(-0.25).^n + 25*[n==0] - 7*[n==1]; [h2,x] = dimpulse(b,a,length(n)); %find h from difference equation subplot(221) stem(n,h1) title('Impulse response') subplot(222) stem(n,h2) title('Impulse response from difference equation') g1 = -4*(-0.25).^n + 7*[n==0] + 2*[n>=0]; [g2,x] = dstep(b,a,length(n)); %find g from difference equation subplot(223) stem(n,g1) title('Step response') subplot(224) stem(n,g2) title('Step response from difference equation')
Bill Rison, < >