Procedure for using the OrCad PSPICE supplimented with the book

-- These proceedures were prepared by Joe Craig --

Install (can only install with IE, other web browsers will not work)

**Run Orcad Capture Lite Edition

**Select File->New->Project and give it a name and location, select "Analog or Mixed AD" hit ok

--Select "create a blank project" and hit ok

--You should now see the schematic worksheet, you can look at the project heirarchy by selecting the *.obj under the window menu

**Add parts to the schematic by pressing "p"

--Add all your part libraries, located in Program Files\OrcadLite\Capture\Library All parts, as denoted in Microsim, should be available now

**Create your schematic, here's a few tips

--You can use your gnd shortcut on the right, but make sure to d-click and edit the name to be 0

--R rotates part, W is wire tool, P is place part

--d-click opens the 'property editor' (which looks alot like an access database)

--Edit each property in the rows

--a simulation 'snapshot' is shown in yellow

**Now create a simulation profile, PSPICE->New Simulation Profile

--Name your unique simulation and inherit from NONE

--This is a profile saved under the *.obj project you created

--it can be used to create similar but different configurations through inheritance

--Select your analysis type and enter parametes, click ok

**Probe your schematic

--PSPICE->Run, F11, and the toolbar arrow will execute your simulation

If you do not simulated, edit your simulation profile, link all necessary files