Analog Electronics
EE 321 and Lab
Dr. Ron Thomas
Required text: Sedra and Smith Microelectronic Circuits 5 th edition (2004)This class is the core of modern electronics. It will cover the basic principles of operational amplifiers, diodes, bipolar transistors, and field-effect transistors. During the course, you will learn to analyze, design and build circuits with these components. You will become familiar with the characteristics of these two and three terminal nonlinear devices, how to use their nonlinear features and how to make them act linear. The class and lab are closely coordinated so that you can apply and test what you have learned from the book and lecture.
The class will be roughly divided into four parts, with a test at the end of each, and a cumulative final. In the first quarter we will review circuit analysis and more in depth study of operational amplifiers. The second quarter will deal with diodes and circuits using them. In the third quarter we will study field-effect transistors and how to use them. In the fourth quarter, bipolar transistors and their circuits will be featured.
The objectives for each part are a guide for studying. The lectures, labs, homework, and test will be directed toward these objectives. Carefully look at the objectives for part one.
The quizzes will test these objectives. For the quizzes, you may use a 3X5 card of fromulas (no circuits or diagrams) and my book at the front of the class for short periods.
Pop Quizzes. There will be pop quizzes about once a week. These will be short and cover material from class, assigned reading,or homework. The grade will be averaged as part of homework.
Working problems is very important to understanding; therefore homework should be done regularly. You will grade you own homework using my solutions, and then rework the problems correctly. This give you much quicker feedback on how you are doing and the correct answer. Grading Policy - Homework
Reading Summary -- At the beginning of each lecture hand in a summary for the reading assignment for that day. The summary should be about 1 page.
The final grade will be the average of the hour tests, final, and homework. For all the details and how to retake a test see Grading Policy - Lectures
The material is difficult. The best study method I have found is to read the material before the lecture, then in again after the lecture before doing the problems. Working problems is very important to understanding; therefore homework should be done regularly. There are exercises with answers throughout the book. These should ALL be done as they are encountered. If you have problems, ask in class or see me outside class.
We will use PSpice to analyze circuits on the computers in the EE lab. While most of the home work will be easier to do by hand, using the computer aids will let you explore more complex circuits and effects of changing components. Use the computer to check the accuracy of the many approximations we will use.
In the Lab, use a bound notebook. Record each measurement and result as it is found. Conclusions and calculations done in the laboratory should also be in the notebook. The lab notebook will be handed in at the end of each lab for grading. Formal reports will also be required for some labs. Grading Policy - Labs
Office: Workman 219 Ext 5683, I am usually in or near my office 9-11:00 MWF and some afternoons, weekdays. Almost anytime you find me I will be happy to talk to you and help. E-mail is a great way to contact me and ask easy questions or schedule a meeting time.