EE 322
Lab 0: PSpice
In this lab we will review or start to learn to use PSpice.
We will use PSpice to simulate and test different current mirror designs.
In this we will sweep (DC sweep) the value of the load resistor. Simulate the current
mirrors in figures (HH) 2.45, 2.47, 2.48. Use Probe to plot I vs load. Explain the results.
Detailed instructions.
Use a voltage controled voltage source (E) as an op-amp. With an inverting gain
of 10 show that the output is correct for an input of 1V. HINT: set the gain of
the voltage source to 100,000.0
Detailed instructions.
Simulate two amplifiers using the u741 and the LF411 op-amps each with a gain of 10.
Plot the frequency responce of each using an AC Sweep. Find the responce to a 100kHz
sin wave using Transient analysis.
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