Lecture grading
The final grade will be the average of the hour tests, final, and homework.
The homework and pop-quiz average is equivalent to one test.
The final will count the same as any test.
The lowest of these scores will be dropped.
An average of 90% or above is guaranteed an A (subject do doing bonus problems),
80% or above at least a B, 70% or above at least a C, 60% or above at least
a D. However, curving of grades may enable students to get higher grades.
There will be a gray area between letter grades in the final distribution
where people with the same average could get different letter grades. If
you are in this area the grade you get depends whether your test and homework
performance has been improving (grade goes up) or declining (it goes down).
I can raise a grade one letter if I feel it is appropriate.
If you do well on the hour tests and homework, you can skip the final.
You may re-take any test problem to bring your grade up. I want your final
class grade to indicate what you have learned in the class. For example,
you might not understand the material covered by a test question at the
time of the test and score low. If after a week (or a month) of studying,
the material makes sense, you should come to my office and re-take that
question. Often students feel the exam score doesn't show what they really
know; the re-take will let you show me you know the material.
The re-take will be oral in my office with you at the board.
This is not as bad as it seems since I give hints if you get stuck, I won't
lower your original grade no mater how badly you do, and we try to keep
things relaxed.
The questions I ask may be harder and more general than the exam one, but
on the same topic.
Students have said this is great practice for job interviews and should
be required.
Each problem can take up to an hour to re-take.
Schedule a time with me - email is great.
It is fair to study for a question between the exam and re-take.
You are limited to 3 retake sessions