EE322 Laboratory
Basic Active Filters
In this lab we will play with a biquad active filter and explore
both its basic capabilities and ways of obtaining new filter designs
by transforming an existing filter.

- Design and build a lowpass biquad with a 3-dB frequency of
1 kHz and a pole quality factor (Q) of 0.707 (this gives the maximally
flat Butterworth response).
- Experimentally determine the 3-dB frequency, and mid-band
gain of the filter.
- Sketch the frequency response in your notebook.
- Exchange C1 and R1 as well as C2 and R2, what effect does
this have on the frequency response? Can you explain it?
- 2. Choose new component values to achieve Q = 5. Repeat your
measurements of part 1, paying particular attention to the frequency
response around 1 kHz.
- 3. Use frequency scaling to shift the cutoff of your filter
to 10 kHz. Verify your design.