EE 322
Phase-Locked Loops (PLL's) and PM Demodulation
The purpose of this lab is to use a phased-locked loop circuit
to implement a simple demodulator for phase modulated signals.
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
Phased-locked loops are available in integrated-circuit packages
which contain a phase-detector and a VCO. The PLL we will use
in the lab is the popular 74HC4046. The VCO frequency range for
the 74HC4046 is determined by two external resistors and an external
capacitor. The discussion on the 74HC4046 in your HCMOS data book
shows how to select values for these components.
- Design the VCO part of the PLL to have a frequency range of
10 kHz centered around your carrier frequency (use 50kHz if you
haven't built your oscillator).
- Build the VCO portion of the PLL. Verify that the with 0V
in, the VCO frequency is at its minimum frequency, and with 5V
in, the frequency is at its maximum. You may have to fiddle with
the values of R1 and R2 to get good results.
Phased-Locked Loop
To use the PLL as a demodulator, we need to finish the PLL by
adding the phase detector and low-pass filter. The 74HC4046 has
three different phase detectors, as discussed in the data book.
For this experiment, we will use the Type~2 detector. We will
also use a simple RC filter as the low-pass filter, as discussed
in class.
- Add the low-pass filter to the circuit. As discussed in class,
choose your components so that the lowpass cutoff is a decade
below the lowest frequency in the transmitted signal (e.g. use
a 5 Hz cutoff if you expect the lowest frequency in the modulation
signal to be 50 Hz).
- Add the phase detector. Connect the output of the VCO to the
Comparator In pin of the 74HC4046. Set up your function generator
to generate a square wave from 0~V to 5~V. Connect the output
of the function generator to the Signal In pin of the 74HC4046.
Verify that the PLL works; i.e., verify that the output frequency
of the VCO is the same as the input frequency from the function
generator for frequencies near your carrier frequency. What are
the maximum and minimum frequencies the PLL can lock onto?
- What is the phase difference between the two signals going
into the phase comparator for different input frequencies?
- What is the (average) input voltage to the VCO for different
input frequencies?
- Sketch and explain the output of the Phase Comparator II Out
PM demodulation
- Connect the signal generator to your phase modulation circuit
to your phase modulation circuit from the previous lab. Set the
generator to produce a 1 kHz sinusoid with an offset and amplitude
which will produce maximal phase shifts.
- Construct a comparator which will produce a 0-5V square wave
from the output of the phase modulator. Then connect the modulator
to the comparator input and the comparator output to the PLL.
- Observe the output of the phase comparator. How is it related
to the output of the signal generator?
- How can the original signal (the signal generator output)
be recovered? Construct a circuit to do this and test it.
- Observe the output of the lowpass filter in the PLL. Is it
stable? Why or why not?