Since there were 390 spectran scans in this experiment only a sample could be presented in the papers. Thus, we are making the data available to other scientists via the network. Please reference the data with the first paper and let us know what you are using the data for.
If you are interested in this data set view a sample of the data.
The experiment is described in detail in the first paper.
There are 390 spectral scans. The scans were taken in sets of 13 elevation
angles ((-3.3,-3.1, -2.6, -2.2, -1.3, 0, 0.8, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0, 4.5, 9.7, 14.6)
the format for the compressed data
This data is being made availble be Ron Thomas and Ken Minschwaner. Please contace either of us for information on the data of comments on this data page.