Objective: The purpose of this lab is to build and study
amplifier circuits that use the National Semiconductor LM741
operational amplifier.
For the inverting, summing amplifier shown in Figure 1, find the
relationship between the output voltage vo and inputs
va, vb.
Figure 1: Summing amplifier
For the circuit shown in Figure 4, find the following:
The input impedance to the right of v1. This is
typically done by taking the ratio of applied (input) voltage to
induced current.
The output impedance of the amplifier circuit. Note output
impedance is the same at Thevenin's (equivalent) impedance.
For the circuit shown in Figure 5, find the following:
The voltage gain (ratio of output voltage vo to
input voltage vS) of this circuit.
The input impedance of this circuit.
The output impedance of this circuit.
Laboratory Procedure:
LM741 specifications from data sheet
Give the data sheet for the LM741 op-amp a quick review noticing
all the associated specifications.
Sketch the pin-out (connection diagram) for the LM741. Show this
diagram to your lab instructor to make sure all the connections
are understood before proceeding (wrong connections will likely
damage the op-amp).
How is the location of pin 1 denoted on the integrated
What are the absolute maximum ratings for the supply voltages
used to power the op-amp?
What is the typical open-loop gain of the op-amp (this is what
we assume to be infinite in our ideal assumptions)?
What is the short-circuit current, i.e., the maximum current the
op-amp can provide?
Inverting Amplifiers
Wire up an inverting amplifier with an input resistance of
1kΩ and a gain of -10 as shown in Figure 2. Use a LM741
op-amp with supply voltages of plus and minus 15V. Employ good
breadboard technique by using the bus lines on your breadboard
for each of the supply voltages and ground.
Vary the DC level of the op-amp input by turning the 10kΩ
pot and take a couple of measurements to confirm that the
amplifier is working as as expected.
Figure 2: Inverting amplifier with (adjustable) constant
Add a 1kHz, 1Vp-p sine wave (shown as vs)
to the amplifier input as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Inverting amplifier with two inputs
(adjustable constant and sinusoidal)
Measure the gain for several input amplitudes and compare with
the theoretical gain.
Confirm that the amplifier inverts the input by displaying both
input and output sine waves on the scope (sketch waveform).
Vary the DC level of the input by turning the 10kΩ pot and
confirm that the amplifier is summing the two inputs.
Remove the DC input and apply only the 1kHz, 1Vp-p
sinusoidal input through an additional 1kΩ resistor as
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Inverting amplifier with sinusoidal
Calculate the amplifier circuit's input resistance looking into the amplifier
circuit from the node labeled v1, at 1kHz, using the node voltages
vS and v1. Why use this size of resistor?
Measure (or try to) the output resistance of the amplifier
circuit by representing it with a Thevenin equivalent circuit that
can be found by putting a 1kΩ resistor from the output to
ground and noting how much the output voltage changes. The change
in the output voltage can be thought of as a voltage divider
between Rout and the 1kΩ resistor. Why use this
size of resistor?
Increase the input amplitude to determine the voltage levels at
which the output 'saturates'. How do these voltages compare to
the supply voltages?
Non-Inverting Amplifier
Wire up the non-inverting amplifier shown in Figure 5. What is
the amplifier's voltage gain?
Figure 5: Non-inverting amplifier
Measure its input resistance, at 1kHz, by putting a 100kΩ
or 1MΩ resistor in series with the input vS. Why
use this size of resistor?
Does this configuration maintain the low output impedance you
measured for the inverting amplifier?
Build a follower with the LM741 op-amp as shown in Figure
6. Check its performance, in particular measure (if possible)
Zin and Zout Figure 6: Voltage follower