EE 251: Mathematical Engineering
Class Information:
- Instructor: Kevin Wedeward (Workman 221, x5708,,
- Time/Place: TR 09:30AM-10:45AM in Workman Center 116
- Office Hours: M-Th 11:00AM-12:00PM
Corequisite: MATH 103
Introduction to Engineering Programming: C, Matlab and Java by
Mark Austin and David Chancogne, 1999, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN-13
Description: EE 251 presents concepts of computer
programming, and the C and Matlab programming languages. Applications
are those related to electrical engineering such as programming
hardware, data acquisition and analysis, and mathematical
- Homeworks (roughly weekly): 20%
- Quizzes (roughly weekly): 40%
- Projects: 40%
- Look over chapters 1, 2 paying particular attention to
sections 2.2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.4
- Chapter 3
- Appendix 1
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7 (9/23/2014)
- Chapter 8 (9/30/2014)
- Sections 9.1-9.3 (10/15/2014)
- Chapter 12 (10/21/2014)
- Chapter 13 (10/21/2014)
- Chapter 14 (11/06/2014)
- Homework (HW) 1 due beginning of class (BOC) on Th 08/28/2014:
Problem 3.2 nicely coded with output provided for inputs of
-40 degC, 0 degC and 40 degC
- HW2 due BOC on T 09/09/2014:
- Declare and assign variables for the characters Y, o, d, a, !,
and print them as characters on one line, integers on another
line, and hexadecimal on another line.
- Problem 4.6 - Reproduce table (nicely formatted) as shown
for variable/data types given in Tables 4.4 and 4.5. Note
limit.h is described in Appendix and you may need to search
internet for information on float.h.
- HW3 due BOC on Th 09/18/2014:
- Problem 5.8 - Use g = 9.81m/s^2, Vo = 100m/s, and give
result as table with columns of theta (deg), flight time
(sec), and range (m).
- Problem 5.11 - Use values of -1.0, -0.1, -0.01, 0, 0.01,
0.1, 1.0 for x, and give results as table with columns of x,
exp_series, exp_math, and % difference.
- HW4 due BOC on Th 09/25/2014: Handout
- HW5 due BOC on Th 10/02/2014: Handout
- Project 1 due BOC on T
10/14/2014: Handout
- HW6 due BOC on T 10/21/2014:
- Problem 8.1 - Call the function twice in your main program
to test with array given in the problem and the array {100,
99, 98, 97, ..., 80, 79, 78} (might be more easily defined in
a loop).
- Problem 8.2 - Test your function using the array
{{95.7, 42.1, 65.5},
{48.5, 91.5, 3.5},
{80.0, 79.2, 84.9},
{14.2, 95.9, 93.4}}.
- Problem 9.4 - Test your function with values given in the
problem; macros not required.
- HW7 due BOC on T 10/28/2014:
- Write a C program to read values for times from the input
file times.txt; compute sin(5*pi*t)
for each time t given in times.txt; output comma separated
values of t, sin(5*pi*t) into an output file named output.csv;
and compile the program using a makefile. Hand in a copy of
your program, output file, and makefile.
- Write a C program to read comma separated values from the
input file input.csv; output the
values with rows and columns swapped as comma separated
values in an output file named output.csv which should look
something like
1.2699, 6.3236, 2.7850, ...
9.13376, 0.97540, 5.46882, ...
and compile the program using a makefile. Hand in a copy of
your program, output file, and makefile.
- HW8 due BOC T 11/04/2014:
- Problem 3.2 (in Matlab) nicely coded as m-file with
formatted output (via fprintf) for inputs (via input) of -40
degC, 0 degC and 40 degC
- Problem 13.1 nicely coded as m-file with formatted output
- test with inputs m = 7 kg, k1 = 2.5 N/m, k2 = 1.25
- Project 2 due BOC on Th
11/06/2014: Handout,
- HW9 due BOC Th 11/13/2014:
- Problem 13.8 nicely coded with at least two functions (one
to find the number of points inside the circle and another to
draw the figure); test your program with D = 5; store
coordinates (x,y) in a two dimensional array that is passed to
both functions along with the circle's diameter; try different
values of N, say 500 and 5000. Turn in the figure for N = 500,
m-files/functions and results in the command window.
- Use matlab to plot (over two cycles) the sinusoidal
voltage v = 170*cos(2*pi*f*t) V, current i =
20*cos(2*pi*f*t-pi/2) A and power p = vi W on the same plot in
one figure and then as three separate subplots in one figure.
Use a frequency of f = 60 Hz and make sure to label (x-axes,
y-axes, title, legend, units, ...) the plots sufficiently and
use grids. Turn in your m-files/functions and figures.
- HW10 due BOC Th 11/20/2014: Problem 14.9 noting
- data file can be found
- reshape() might be useful along with built-in statistical
- take the square root of the number of data points and
round up to an integer value for the number of bins in the
- cumulative frequency/distribution will have same number of
bins (bars) as the histogram and is a "running total" of the
observations per bin in the histogram. It will tell us the
number of values that have those values or greater.
- Project 3 due BOC T 12/02/2014: Handout,
YouTube Episode 1 and
Episode 2 videos on the
research trailer from which the data files
Trailer-Data_14-02-02_0001.txt and
were provided, and sample plot.
- Project 4 due by 9am on T 12/09/2014:
Handout, sample netlists in mat-files
circuit4.mat), and
sample plot.
Academic Honesty:
- Copying assignments, either in part or whole, is not
permitted. Students are encouraged to discuss assignments and
assist each other with debugging programs, but all work
submitted for grading should be that of the individual whose
name appears on the assignment.
- Quizzes are to be performed individually without resources
unless otherwise specified by the instructor.
- See
for information on avoiding plagiarism and the Undergraduate Course
Catalog for New Mexico Tech's policy on academic honesty.