EDUğ dir . deisl1.isu ghostscript matlabrc.m.bak relnotes.txt .. extern help notebook toolbox bin ghostscr matlabrc.m readme.txt EDUğ cd ../../temp EDUğ diary example1.txt EDUğ t=0:0.1:6; EDUğ f=cos(2*t); EDUğ plot(t,f); EDUğ xlabel('t (seconds)'); EDUğ ylabel('f(t)'); EDUğ title('Plot of f(t) = cos(2t)'); EDUğ grid; EDUğ diary off EDUğDiary File example1.txt Created in /temp Directory:
t=0:0.1:6; f=cos(2*t); plot(t,f); xlabel('t (seconds)'); ylabel('f(t)'); title('Plot of f(t) = cos(2t)'); grid; diary offMatlab Plot Generated:
Note that the plot can be printed by typing print at the >> prompt or selecting File->Print from the figure window.