% % Filename: example2.m % % Description: M-file for demonstrating periodicity of discrete- % time signals. % clear; clf; % clear memory and figure k = 0:20; x = sin(5*k + 0.1); subplot(2,2,1); stem(k,x,'filled'); grid; xlabel('k'); ylabel('x[k]=sin(5k+0.1)'); title('Aperiodic Discrete-Time Signal'); x = 2*cos(10*pi*k/6 - 0.22); subplot(2,2,2); stem(k,x,'filled'); grid; xlabel('k'); ylabel('x[k]=2cos(10 \pi k/6-0.22)'); title('Periodic Discrete-Time Signal'); t = 0:0.01:20; % continuous-time values fct = 3*cos(2*t+0.15); % continuous-time signal T = 0.5; % sample interval (time) k = 0/T:20/T; % discrete-time values (from t=kT) fdt = 3*cos(k+0.15); % discrete-time signal subplot(2,1,2); % plot both signals on continous-time axis plot(t,fct); % use t = kT for discrete-time signal hold on; stem(k*T, fdt, 'filled'); hold off; grid; xlabel('tMATLAB Plot Generated:'); ylabel('f[k],f(t)'); title('Periodic f(t)=3cos(2t+0.15) Sampled at T=0.5sec to get Aperiodic f[k]=3cos(k+0.15)');