EE342 Problem Set 9

DUE W 04/05/2000

  1. Consider the continuous-time signal f(t)=(1/4)^t u(t).
  2. DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) encoding is used on touch tone phones to represent each number on the telephone keypad as a combination of two tones. When a number key is pressed the tone of the row and the tone of the column are generated together. The keypad tone matrix is shown in the diagram below. As an example, pressing the '2' button generates two tones concurrently at 697Hz and 1336Hz. The frequencies were chosen carefully such that no frequency is a multiple of another, the difference between any two frequencies does not equal any of the frequencies, and the sum of any two frequencies does not equal any of the frequencies.

    1 2 3 697Hz
    4 5 6 770Hz
    7 8 9 852Hz
    * 0 # 941Hz
    1209Hz 1336Hz 1477Hz

    Consider the data stored in the data file tones.dat. The data was obtained by recording the tones generated when four numbers were pressed on the telephone keypad. After downloading the file from my web page into a working matlab directory, it can be loaded into a matlab vector named tones by typing load tones.dat. Verify the vector is there and is the correct size by typing whos. You can then listen to the tones if your computer has a sound card and if your version of matlab supports the sound() function by typing sound(tones,Fs) where tones is the vector of recorded data and Fs is the sampling frequency. The signal was sampled at 11,025Hz resulting in 10,320 samples. To illustrate the use of the DFT and the effect of aliasing perform the following operations. Let matlab connect the data points in all plots with the plot() function rather than stem() to keep the plots from looking too messy.