% % Filename: example8.m % % Description: M-file to plot discrete-time signals and their DTFT. % n = 0:20; % define DT variable xfast = (-0.95).^n; % define DT signals xslow = (0.95).^n; subplot(2,2,1); % plot slow signal stem(n,xslow); grid; xlabel('n'); ylabel('x[n] = (0.95)^n'); title('Slow Varying DT Signal'); subplot(2,2,3); % plot fast signal stem(n,xfast); grid; xlabel('n'); ylabel('x[n] = (-0.95)^n'); title('Fast Varying DT Signal'); W = -3*pi:0.01:3*pi; % define DT frequencies Xfast = 1./(1+(0.95)*exp(-j*W)); % define DTFT of signals Xslow = 1./(1-(0.95)*exp(-j*W)); subplot(2,2,2); % plot DTFT of slow signal plot(W,abs(Xslow)); grid; xlabel('Discrete Frequency'); ylabel('|DTFT[(.95)^n]|'); title('Magnitude Spectrum of Slow Signal'); subplot(2,2,4); % plot DTFT of fast signal plot(W,abs(Xfast)); grid; xlabel('Discrete Frequency'); ylabel('|DTFT[(-.95)^n]|'); title('Magnitude Spectrum of Fast Signal');MATLAB Plot Generated: