Up: Lab 4: Adder/Subtractor
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3 Supplementary Material
3.1 Verilog
In the previous lab you have defined a half adder by instantiating primitive
gates. As the design becomes more and more complex, it is convenient to create
separate modules and then combine them in one file. For example, in the
previous lab you have created a half adder module and in this lab you will
create a full adder/subtractor which can be designed by using the half adder
module. So, in this lab you will instantiate two half adders to form the full
adder, then instantiate four full adders to create the 4-bit adder/subtractor.
Program 1 illustrates this concept.
In this sample program the module sample_moduleA is instantiated twice as
SA1 and SA2 in the higher level module sample_moduleB.
Copyright © 2008, Electrical Engineering Department, New Mexico Tech
Last Modified 2008-09-24