Final version for 2000
Further Use of ZAP and the EVBU
This laboratory will give you more experience with the tools we will use this semester. Be sure to read through the entire lab and do the pre-lab for each section before coming to lab.
prog: equ $0800 CODE: section .text org prog ldaa #12 ldab #195 aba std $900 swi
Do (a), (b) and (c) before coming to lab.
eval $time=0
Trace through the program using ZAP. To find out how many cycles it
took to execute, go to the COMMAND window an give the instruction
eval $time
Compare this to the answer of part (b).
; 68HC11 demo program
; Bill Rison
; 1/26/99
; This is a program to take a table of data, and create a new table
; which is the original table divided by 2
title "LAB 2 Demo Program"
prog: equ $0800 ;put program at address 0x0800
data: equ $0900 ;put data at address 0x0900
count: equ 10 ;number of entries in table
CODE: section .text
org prog ;set program counter to 0x0800
ldx #table1 ;Reg X points to entry to process in table 1
ldy #table2 ;Reg Y points to entry to write to table 2
ldab #count ;ACC B holds number of entries left to process
repeat: ldaa 1,x+ ;Get table1 entry into ACC A; inc X to next entry
asra ;Divide by 2
staa 1,y+ ;Save in table2; inc Y to next entry in table2
dbne b,repeat ;Decrement number left to process;
;If not done, process next table1 entry
swi ;Done -- Exit
DATA: section .data
org data
;initialize table1 (COUNT bytes long)
table1: dc.b $07,$ae,$4a,$f3,$6c,$30,$7f,$12,$67,$cf
table2: ds.b count ;reserve count bytes for table2.
ldab #250
loop1: ldx #40000
loop2: dex
bne loop2
bne loop1