ST 589 Robotics Engineering

Suggested Textbook

  1. "Build Your Own Robot!" by Karl Lunt
  2. "Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implementation" (second edition) by Jones, Flynn, and Seiger
  3. "Robots, Androids, and Animatrons" by John Iovine
  4. "The Robot Builder's Bonanza: 99 Inexpensive Robotics  Projects" by Gordon McComb

Objective of the Course

The goal of the course is the construction of a small general-purpose robot, which participants will take back to their school. This robot will be capable of general-purpose navigation and is an ideal basis for further development. All of the hardware sub-systems of the robot will be tested and the teacher-participant will learn how to program the robot to successfully perform various tasks. 

Course Outline

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


July 24
Chasis Assembly

July 25
Battery and Switch Connections
July 26
Motor and H-bridge
Power Connectors

Quiz 1

July 27
HC12 Motor and Sensor Connections
July 28
Finish Robot Assembly &
Test Connections

Quiz 2



July 31
Introduction to C

August 1
68HC12 Familiarization

August 2
Wall Following

Quiz 3

August 3
Program Robot

August 4
and Clean Up