Click here to see an overview of the lab, including the lab grading policy.
You are responsible for preparing for and completing the labs, including material which may not have been covered in class. This is a university environment, and you are expected to have the maturity to research and read all material you will need. If you don't understand something, ask for help. There are numerous resources available to you -- faculty, TA's, lab manager, etc. -- and we are all eager to help you succeed. However, you must take in initiative to seek help when you need it.
Note: The lab handouts are in Adobe Acrobat format. You need to open them
using a PDF reader program. A free program is available from Adobe:
Title | Pre-Lab
| Supplementary Material
| Dates
| Lab 1
| Introduction to the HCMOS Family
| Pre-Lab
| 74HC00 Data Sheet
| Aug. 28, 30
| Lab 2
| Combinational Circuits: Computer ALU
| Pre-Lab Part 1 | Pre-Lab Part 2 Pre-Lab Part 3 Combinational Design with Altera | Using Quartus II Software Designing with Graphics Design Files Using AHDL to Implement Functions Sep. 11. 13 | Sep. 18, 20 Sep. 25, 27 Lab 3
| Sequential Circuits: Computer Registers
| Pre-Lab Part 1 | Pre-Lab Part 2 Pre-Lab Part 3 Sequential Design with Altera
| Oct. 2. 4 | Oct. 9, 11 Oct. 16, 18
Lab 4
| State Machines: Computer Control Unit
| Pre-Lab Part 1 | Pre-Lab Part 2 State Machine Design with Altera
| Oct. 23, 25 | Oct. 30, Nov. 1 Nov. 6, 8 Lab 5
| Build the Computer
| Pre-Lab Part 1 | | Nov. 13. 15 | Nov. 20, 22 Nov. 27, 29
| Makeup
| | | Dec. 4, 6
| |