June 11 - 13, 2012
General Information: The 9th Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate (SPARC) Data Assimilation workshop will be held in Socorro, New Mexico during 11-13 June 2012. This is the latest in a series of annual meetings which brings data assimilators and users of assimilation products together with experts in modelling, measurements and process studies. The aim of the workshop is to motivate and better understand data assimilation through the science of the middle atmosphere. Data assimilation requires a knowledge of measurement and model errors which, in turn, require knowledge of the true underlying system - the middle atmosphere. Therefore, advancement of assimilation techniques requires interaction of assimilators with dynamicists, chemists and users of assimilation products. While contributions from all aspects of middle atmosphere (chemical and dynamical) data assimilation are sought (as in previous years), a few key areas will be highlighted. The following experts have been invited to broaden our understanding of the true atmospheric system, highlight issues with assimilated products and help focus discussions in these areas:
1. Stratosphere/troposphere coupling and SNAP (Stratospheric Network on
Assessment of Predictability):
2. Assessment of middle atmosphere analyses and S-RIP (SPARC
Reanalysis / analysis Intercomparison Project):
3. Gravity waves and their representation in models and analyses:
Presenter Information: Contributed talks are 20min total (17min/3min for questions); invited talks are 40min (35min/5min for questions); several periods are built into the agenda for more extensive questions/discussion. Oral talks should be in either PPT or PDF format; we will have both a Windows PC and a Mac available for presentation. Maximum poster size is 137cm wide by 167cm high (4.5 by 5.5 feet). Posters are divided into two sessions, with presenting authors expected to attend their poster for an hour on either Monday or Tuesday afternoon. Posters will be on display for the entire meeting, so as to be available for viewing at all breaks. Poster presenters should plan to prepare a one-slide summary in PDF format to be presented orally before the poster session on Monday afternoon. Registration:
It currently appears that we will not need to charge a registration fee.
Workshop Dinner: The Workshop dinner on Tuesday evening will be a southwestern buffet, and includes vegetarian choices. Please let us know if you have other dietary restrictions, and we will do our best to accommodate them. The dinner is included for Workshop participants; if you wish to bring (a) guest(s), or wish to attend the dinner but are not formally participating in the workshop, the cost for each additional person will be $19. We need to provide an accurate estimate of the number attending by Thursday, 7 June, so please let us know before then how many will be in your party.
Contact Information for Workshop Organizers: |
Gloria Manney |
manney@nwra.com |
phone: (575) 838-0323 |
David Jackson |
david.jackson@metoffice.gov.uk |
Ken Minschwaner |
krm@nmt.edu |
phone: (575) 835-5226 |